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    Ihsan al-Awadi, rule out the possibility of reviving the law of infrastructure

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ihsan al-Awadi, rule out the possibility of reviving the law of infrastructure Empty Ihsan al-Awadi, rule out the possibility of reviving the law of infrastructure

    Post by Rocky Thu 26 Dec 2013, 4:30 am

    Ihsan al-Awadi, rule out the possibility of reviving the law of infrastructure


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. Services Committee revealed that the law of the Prophet infrastructure dropped in the parliament vote, while ruling out the possibility of re-revive it again in the same atmosphere existing between the blocks and the directions and goals.

    A member of the Services Committee, MP Ihsan al-Awadi / JD /: The law of the Prophet infrastructure dropped in Parliament to vote and the right of the government brought back in the new legislative term, but I think even if he returned would be only just back without going through because there behind me within the political blocs not to satisfy this law Vasagt that way

    He added: There is no point in him back again in the same atmosphere existing between the blocks and orientations and goals.

    The House of Representatives has ended the controversy two years ago on the Law of the infrastructure, and the majority decided not to pass the law to be returned to the government

    The Council refused to vote on the bill reconstruction of infrastructure and service sectors and submitted by the committees economy, investment, legal and financial services and construction, which led to his response to the executive branch. / End / Doaa Amer /

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