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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Cabinet agrees to open a consulate in Erbil to China

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Cabinet agrees to open a consulate in Erbil to China  Empty Cabinet agrees to open a consulate in Erbil to China

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Jan 2014, 2:23 am

    Cabinet agrees to open a consulate in Erbil to China

    Today at 4:23 pm

    announced that the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on Sunday, said the council agreed to approve the recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the opening of Consulate General of the PRC in the province of Arbil. said the General Secretariat in a statement received "Alsumaria News" copy, "The Council decided in its session usual fourth session held in 31/12/2013 approving the recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the opening of Consulate General of the PRC in the province of Arbil, according to the provisions of Article 26 of the Foreign Service Act No. 45 of 2008. " the statement added, "The Council required to have the PRC representation diplomat in Baghdad and maintains the Republic of Iraq, the right to open a consulate general in the Peoples Republic of China in the future in accordance with the principle of reciprocity ", noting that" the decision was based on what introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. " The Cabinet approved, in (22 October 2013), recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open Consulate General of the State of Kuwait in the province of Arbil, according to the provisions of Articles 25 and 26 of the Foreign Service Act No. (45) for the year 2008, that the reserves of the Republic of Iraq, the right to open a consulate general in the State of Kuwait in the future, according to the principle of reciprocity, as approved the recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the open honorary consulate of the Federal Republic of Brazil in the province of Erbil.

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