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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Islamic Trust Bank to open new branch east of Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Islamic Trust Bank to open new branch east of Baghdad Empty Islamic Trust Bank to open new branch east of Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Mar 2019, 2:11 pm

    Islamic Trust Bank to open new branch east of Baghdad

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    A source in the banking sector said on Tuesday that the Islamic Trust Bank will open a new branch in Baghdad tomorrow. 
    The Islamic Trust Bank was established in 2017 with a capital of 250 billion dinars. 
     The source, who preferred not to disclose his name to "Economy News", "The Islamic Trust Bank will open on Wednesday, a new branch in Palestine Street east of the capital Baghdad." 
    He added that "the Islamic Trust Bank has begun to expand in a thoughtful manner, as it opened a new branch in the province of Karbala a few days ago," adding that "the policy of increasing the branches of the Islamic Trust Bank aims to provide services and access to all citizens to contribute to increase financial coverage."

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      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 12:48 pm