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    Abdul Mahdi: Our visit to China represents a new start for Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Abdul Mahdi: Our visit to China represents a new start for Iraq Empty Abdul Mahdi: Our visit to China represents a new start for Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Sep 2019, 2:40 pm

    [size=35][size=35]Abdul Mahdi: Our visit to China represents a new start for Iraq[/size]
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    2019-09-23 | 14:51
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    [size=18]Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Monday the visit of the government delegation to China as a new start for Iraq.

    "China is a central pillar of the world order and its balance, and the Iraqi people highly appreciate the Chinese experience and we are grateful for the support China has provided in China," the prime minister was quoted as saying in a meeting with President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping. Stand with us against terrorism and in the reconstruction of Iraq. "

    He added that "our visit to this large delegation represents a new breakthrough for Iraq in all economic and security fields, and we want China to be a partner in the development of Iraq's infrastructure," referring to the "idea of ​​creating a framework credit to finance major infrastructure projects from our oil imports to China, which amount to One million barrels a day, and the government is directed to expand and diversify the Iraqi economy. "

    `` The Iraqi people are looking forward to signing agreements and memorandums of understanding between the two countries and their contribution to the development of services and reconstruction of their cities after the wars and the great destruction caused by the dictatorship and the subsequent devastation of terrorism and sabotage by ISIS, which was defeated by the Iraqis with their courage and sacrifice. ''

    For his part, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that "China is very interested in relations with Iraq and we are a trusted friend and constructive peaceful force, and we are Iraq a strategic and key partner in the Middle East, and we were one of the first countries that participated in the reconstruction and investment in Iraq, even in the most serious security situation With Iraq in adversity, "indicating" the position and orientations of his country's firm towards Iraq with basic objectives. "

    He went on, "

    "We support the reconstruction of Iraq, appreciate the encouraging calls of Chinese companies to work in Iraq, and help you in new industries and oil fields and support Chinese investment in the fields of telecommunications, city construction, ports, railways and the fifth generation telecommunications network," he said.

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