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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances

    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Nov 2019, 1:14 am

    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances

    09:50 - 16/11/2019

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The information / Baghdad ..
    Rafidain Bank announced that many government departments have applied to settle their salaries with the bank and then get a MasterCard international card.
    "The bank receives a lot of requests from the state departments and institutions for the purpose of settling their salaries with the bank electronically and then they are covered by personal advances launched by the bank," the bank's media office said in a statement received.
    The statement added that "the bank offered many loans and advances that belong to employees and even citizens and they can go to the nearest branch to see them." Done / 25
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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Mesopotamia: Many state departments demanded to settle their salaries and get advances

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Nov 2019, 1:20 am

    [size=36]Mesopotamia: Many state departments demanded to settle their salaries and get advances[/size]

    Economy | 09:31 - 16/11/2019

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    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News
    Rafidain Bank announced on Saturday that many government departments have applied to settle their salaries with our bank and then get a MasterCard International.
     He said the media bank 's office in a statement received / scales News /, Nschhmenh, that the bank receives a lot of requests by departments and state institutions for the purpose of settling their salaries with the electronic bank and then bringing them to the personal advances launched by the bank. "
    He added," The bank put forward many Loans and advances belonging to employees and even citizens and can go to the nearest branch to see them. "

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    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Mesopotamia: Many state departments demanded to settle their salaries and get advances

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Nov 2019, 1:31 am


    Mesopotamia: Many state departments demanded to settle their salaries and get advances

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/11/16 10:11 • 33 times read[/rtl]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    BAGHDAD: Al-Rafidain Bank announced on Saturday that many government departments have applied to settle their salaries with our bank and then receive a MasterCard International Card.
    Information Office of the Bank said in a statement received by the {Euphrates News} a copy of it, that the bank receives a lot of requests by departments and state institutions for the purpose of settling their salaries with the electronic bank and then bringing them to the personal advances launched by the bank. "
    He added," The bank put forward many Loans and advances that belong to employees and even citizens can go to the nearest branch to see them. "

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    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Departments apply to settle their salaries and get advances

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Nov 2019, 1:37 am

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    Departments apply to settle their salaries and get advances

     2019/11/16 00:35:09

    [rtl]Al-Rafidain Bank announced that many government departments have applied to settle their salaries with our bank and then get a MasterCard international card.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The bank's media office said in a statement received to Shafaq News that the bank receives a lot of requests from the departments and institutions of the state for the purpose of settling their salaries with the bank electronically and then be covered by personal advances launched by the bank.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He pointed out that the bank offered many loans and advances that belong to employees and even citizens and they can go to the nearest branch to see them.[/rtl]

    [rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Rafidain Bank: Many government departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Nov 2019, 1:53 am

    [size=35][size=35]Rafidain Bank: Many government departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances[/size]
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    2019-11-16 | 03:04
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    [size=18]Rafidain Bank announced on Saturday that many government departments have applied to settle their salaries with our bank and then to get a MasterCard International Card.

    "The bank receives a lot of requests from state departments and institutions for the purpose of settling their salaries with the bank electronically and then they are covered by personal advances," the bank's office said in a statement received by Alsumaria News.

    He added that "the bank offered many loans and advances that belong to employees and even citizens and they can go to the nearest branch to see them."

    It is noteworthy that the government banks and some private banks have settled the salaries of employees after the issuance of MasterCard.

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    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Al-Rafidain: Many departments have submitted requests to settle the salaries of their employees and

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Nov 2019, 1:58 am

    Al-Rafidain: Many departments have submitted requests to settle the salaries of their employees and obtain advances

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    Saturday 16 November 2019 - 09:28

    Al-Rafidain: Many departments have submitted requests to settle the salaries of their employees and obtain advances

    Baghdad- Conscious
    "Many departments have submitted requests to settle the salaries of their employees and obtain advances," rafidain bank said Saturday.
    "Many government departments have applied for the settlement of their salaries with the bank and then obtained the international MasterCard," the bank's information office said in a statement received by the Official News Agency of Iraq(IA). 
    "The bank receives a lot of requests from state departments and institutions for the purpose of settling their salaries with the bank electronically and then they are covered by the personal advances launched by the bank," the statement said, adding that "the bank has offered many loans and advances that belong to employees and even citizens and they can Go to the nearest branch to see it."

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    Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances Empty Re: Rafidain: Many state departments have applied to settle their salaries and get advances

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