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    Sumo: Chinese companies most buy Iraqi oil in October

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Sumo: Chinese companies most buy Iraqi oil in October Empty Sumo: Chinese companies most buy Iraqi oil in October

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Nov 2019, 6:24 am

    Sumo: Chinese companies most buy Iraqi oil in October

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) announced on Monday that Chinese oil companies were the most buyers of Iraqi oil during the month of October.
    SOMO said in an official statistics published on its official website and seen by the economy news, that "Chinese companies were the most among other international companies to buy Iraqi oil and by 6 out of 22 companies that bought oil during the month of October."
    Sumo added that "Indian companies came in second place by 4 companies, followed by American companies by 3 companies and Greek and by two companies," noting that "the rest was distributed to South Korean companies, Egyptian, Portuguese, Russian, Malaysian, Turkish and Italian."
    She said, "It depends in the sale of Iraqi oil on the main criteria for contracting with major international oil companies and medium and independent government integrated vertically," pointing out that "the most prominent international companies that bought Iraqi oil are China Petrojina, Italian company Eni and US company and Oxon Mobil."
    At the end of 2018, the Ministry of Oil had developed marketing mechanisms for 2019 which were based on the importance of each market in terms of volume of demand and revenue per barrel.
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