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    Parliamentary services reveal the priorities of the 2020 budget

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277271
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary services reveal the priorities of the 2020 budget Empty Parliamentary services reveal the priorities of the 2020 budget

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Jan 2020, 2:08 am

    Parliamentary services reveal the priorities of the 2020 budget

    •  Time: 1/27/2020 8:28 AM
    •  Reading: 819 times
    • Categories: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee said that the 2020 budget should be prepared according to the existence of several new programs for the next government, indicating priorities that will top this program, most notably the provision of housing and job opportunities for the unemployed and the completion of projects.
    [size=15][rtl][size=21]Member of the Committee, Mudar Khazal Al-Salman, said in a press statement that "the goal of" delaying the transmission of the 2020 budget from the Council of Ministers to the House of Representatives is to coincide with a new program for the next government, and the possibility of matching the allocated funds in the budget with the sections to implement this program. "[/rtl]

    [rtl]He added, "There are many urgent needs that have emerged and the necessary axes that the new government must provide as quickly as possible, and that is consistent with the requirements of citizens and that can be provided to them during the next stage."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added that "the next government, take steps vessels fit in the interest of the citizen first, and may differ somewhat from the steps taken in the past," adding that "this matter must be taken into consideration in the agreement with the Republic of China , the People, because what saves the country is The presence of a bold official who can implement such steps, "stressing that" many important and strategic projects can be disrupted unless there are global, solid and external companies to support the economic reality of the country and provide services that are closer to the life of the citizen. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Salman indicated that "the program of the next government will focus on completing the projects that started work a year ago and that can never be neglected, on projects that support the ration card and improve its vocabulary, and provide adequate housing as well as citizens and build housing complexes, and care for those covered by social care, and provide job opportunities For the unemployed after referring three births to retirement within the new law to accommodate graduates in the departments that need to employ young people for their owners. " is over[/rtl]
    Ammar Al-Masoudi

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