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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    historical reference in the Supreme defending the land and supply awakened the nation


    Posts : 5311
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    historical reference in the Supreme defending the land and supply awakened the nation  Empty historical reference in the Supreme defending the land and supply awakened the nation

    Post by wciappetta Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:18 pm

    Attorney-Hakim: The statement of historical reference in the Supreme defending the land and supply awakened the nation and break the backs of terrorist plot excommunicating

     Wed Jun 18 2014 14:28 | (Voice of Iraq) -   Add Comment -

     The independent MP Dr Abdul Hadi al-Hakim in response to what began frequenting some channels and newspapers known Bmaadadtha for the new system in Iraq and violating the democratic principles of the allegations that the advisory opinion of the supreme authority of after sectarian and not a national dimension-year-old MP said Hakim: The Opinion of the supreme authority In defense of the homeland was not issued until after it announced terrorist groups usurped for Iraq and its people and its cities one after the other before and after the expropriated Mosul, dear, and I did that occupying Mosul cherished and made ​​to seize the other provinces declared the supreme authority - as a safety valve for Iraq and Iraqis - Obligation (Defense Ulkipaúa ) for the nation and its people and their sanctities, recalling that the supreme authority recommended patience when terrorists attacked Takfirists the holy places and religious and other Moakpna.
     The MP-Hakim said a fatwa Supreme religious authority increased the weft of our people one Iraqi, and the scenes volunteer faiths and creeds all, but evidence that the Fatwa historical came to collect what Stth fatwas Altcfhirien of cracking amid weaving harmonious and national unity of the Iraqi one, especially since the areas Almstbahp by terrorists are mainly Sunni areas where coexisted religions, sects and ethnic minorities and various Iraqi, was the target of the historical position of supreme authority is the greater good of the fatherland and the national meeting and the protection of holy sites.
     The Vice-President said the Supreme Religious Authority has not Taft jihad Day assaulted Takfirists the holy Shiite shrine in Samarra Vfjroa the dome of the shrine of Askari (peace be upon them) in 2007, but recommended patience and time, ward off the temptation might have to burn everything and everybody would otherwise, as it's called gritting surgeon and patient pain and anger management cited on more than a thousand pilgrims in the massacre known imams bridge on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam al-Kazim Kazim rage (peace be upon him) in 2005 and other evidence of many .. many.
     Mr MP: The process of rallying popular that we are witnessing today in the country does not mean in any way that the Iraqi army and other security forces are not ready to repel the enemy's brutal, but that scene is familiar to all States that Adahmha external enemy targets land, honor and sanctities or Adahmha internal rebellion supported from abroad, heavily armed, packaging and equipped and supply and funding, all his main concern was killed and seize everything you find in the way of the people of civilized, history and culture and the sacred in order to return Bmutn prophets and imams and Habitat civilizations to the mentality of ancestral extinct from the mentality of the Middle Ages, which does not accept the other, whatever that other Muslim or non-Muslim, and operate under the banner of either believe in what we believe in or you're an infidel defiled your blood and your offer and hijacks the wives and orphaned children, so the whole and the other is imperative for the supreme authority, a safety valve Iraq and the Iraqis that pulls from the sails of her sons in the army and other armed forces and the security services of in order to consolidate the security of the trenches front and rear because the enemy treacherous and cunning and deceitful and powered by external forces do not want Iraq and its people, but evil and harm and affliction.  

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