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    Obama keeps all Iraq support options open except ground troops


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Obama keeps all Iraq support options open except ground troops Empty Obama keeps all Iraq support options open except ground troops

    Post by chouchou Thu 19 Jun 2014, 3:15 am

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    Washington ( The White House announced on Wednesday that Barack Obama is continuing his consultations on how to deal with the progress of Sunni Jihadists in Iraq. He did not rule out any options except deploying ground troops.

    U.S. presidential spokesman, Jay Carney, said that “the only thing omitted by the president is sending U.S. combat troops to Iraq, but he continues the examination of other options.”

    On Wednesday, according to U.S. media, the White House has excluded the idea of air strikes by fighter jets due to the difficulty of identifying targets in the field.

    Carney declined to specify the date on which Obama will make a decision, he stressed that the work is continuing to determine the various options “in clearer form.”

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