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    Will the anger of the Shiite forces overthrow the Iraqi president?

    Admin Assist
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    Will the anger of the Shiite forces overthrow the Iraqi president? Empty Will the anger of the Shiite forces overthrow the Iraqi president?

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Mar 2020, 3:48 am

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    - PUBLISHED ON MARCH 21, 2020
    Views: 23
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    Saturday / 21 / March 2020
    Five political blocs said that the president violated the constitution and norms by deciding to assign Adnan al-Zarfi to form the new government.
    And it seems that the Iraqi president’s assignment to parliament member Adnan Al-Zarfi to form the transitional government added more complexity to the political scene in the country, as Shiite political forces accused Barham Saleh of violating the constitution and demanded his removal from office.
    These powers expressed their strong anger at Saleh's move to assign Al-Zarfi in which she sees that it came contrary to its orientations, as he does not represent the largest bloc in Parliament, which is entitled to nominate the personality to the President to be then assigned to the Prime Minister.
    “Critical circumstance”
    Commenting on this, political analyst Adnan Al-Sarraj said that "the Shiite political blocs feel very resentful about the actions of the President of the Republic, at a time when the latter wants them to be flexible and allow him to choose, these forces see that they have the right to nominate as the largest Shiite bloc in parliament."
    On the possibility of proceeding with the dismissal of Barham Salih, Al-Sarraj expressed his belief that “the dispute between the two parties will not amount to bringing a lawsuit in the Federal Court to dismiss Barham Salih, because the current conditions do not allow his dismissal, and adding more executive, legislative and constitutional blanks in matters related to vacating the position of president The Republic. ”
    Regarding the possibility of passing the Zarfi government as a result of the circumstances the country is going through from the outbreak of the Corna virus and the collapse in oil prices and other crises, Al-Sarraj said that “Shi’ite political blocs find in Adnan al-Zarfi a person who is not qualified to represent it in all its directions, whether negatively or positively.”
    He added that "the Shiite forces rejecting al-Zarfi also believe that he will be a staunch opponent of her projects, which began in a modest way. They intersect with ideas, his proposals and his actions."
    Al-Sarraj ruled that the Kurna outbreak would delay the process of rejecting and contesting his candidacy, "unless Zarfi can persuade the Shiite political blocs or split their ranks, and in this way he can pass his government, because his situation is difficult and embarrassing and he can provide nothing unless he can win the support of large Shiite blocs."
    He noted that "the road is difficult for Zarrafi, the situation is complicated in the country, and the anxiety of the street is increasing, as well as the political differences have deepened more, but on the other hand, there are personalities who cannot stand in front of him because there is opposition against them, and they know in advance that they will not get the support of Parliament."
    Al-Sarraj touched upon the position of the Sunnis and the Kurds by saying: “There are Kurdish and Sunni blocs that see the movement of the Shiite forces consistent with their political thinking regarding the issue of component representation. To support him. ”
    For his part, political analyst Wael Al-Rikabi saw that “in the political reality, Barham Saleh deserves removal from office because he violated the constitution, but as a result of the circumstance and the sensitive situation the country is going through, the Shi’ite blocs put this issue to pressure upward to get the lowest, which is the process of withdrawing a mandate Zarfi. ”
    He explained that "the Shiite blocs consider the assignment of Barham Salih al-Zarfi in contravention of the constitution and the political practice followed from 2005 to the present day regarding the nomination of the three presidencies, so it is not possible to rely on a group that does not represent the entire Shiite house and assign Zarrafi accordingly."
    Al-Rikabi added, “Therefore, the Shi’ite blocs resorted to talking about the president’s violation of the constitution more than once and trying to disrupt him choosing a prime minister, despite his honorable role in the issue of nomination, and he does not choose and assign to whom he deems appropriate.”
    He expressed his belief that "Al-Zrafi will not be the head of the next government and he will join his predecessor, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, because the Shiite blocs object not to their personalities, but to the mechanism of assigning them, because the Iraqi president in this way will enact a year for the upcoming elections, losing the Shiite house his right to the position of prime minister."
    And he added: "This is a big problem that threatens civil peace after the country is used to sharing the three presidencies between the basic components. Therefore, I believe that Al-Zarfi will never pass, regardless of the circumstances of the country."
    What is the exit?
    Al-Rikabi indicated that "Al-Zarfi may apologize before the 15-day period ends, and if he does not do so, the vote in Parliament will bring him down, and he will be surprised when he sees the Kurds and some Sunni parties who did not vote for him."
    Regarding the talk that Barham Saleh will be prime minister in the event of al-Zarfi being dismissed, al-Rikabi said: “Barham Saleh does not have the right to hold the position after that, because Article 81 of the constitution states that the president has the right to take over the prime minister if he is vacated, but that is not available.” .
    He explained that "the resigned prime minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, is the one who currently runs the caretaker government, and therefore it may be added to his authority other powers from Parliament, and may remain to complete the remainder of the electoral cycle in the event the Shiite blocs are unable to choose an alternative to Zorfi."
    And five Iraqi Shiite political blocs said last Wednesday that President Barham Salih had violated the constitution and norms with the decision to assign Adnan al-Zarfi to form the new government, expressing his rejection of this mandate.
    Four Iraqi blocs stressed in a joint statement, namely, the State of Law coalition (26 seats in Parliament out of 329), the Al-Fateh coalition (48 seats), the National Contract Bloc (18 seats), and the National Approach (8 seats), its rejection of the mandate decision, Then they were joined by the Al-Hikma stream (19 seats).
    She expressed concern that "the protector of the constitution declares his constitutional violation in public, and that he assigns a candidate without the approval of the majority of the concerned blocs," while Parliament member Kazem al-Sayyadi said on Wednesday that "the sacking of the President of our Republic is our requirement for preserving the constitution."

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