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    Sairoun: The arrest warrant for Trump will be executed if he enters Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Sairoun: The arrest warrant for Trump will be executed if he enters Iraq Empty Sairoun: The arrest warrant for Trump will be executed if he enters Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 07 Jan 2021, 9:20 am

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    The information / Baghdad ...
    The deputy of the Saeron Alliance, Riyadh Al-Masoudi, confirmed, Thursday, that the Iraqi authorities will arrest Trump if he enters the race.
    "The arrest warrant against the outgoing US President Donald Trump will be inside Iraq, that is, if he enters [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] he will be arrested immediately," Al-Masoudi said in a statement to the agency .
    He added, "The arrest warrant will not proceed abroad except through Interpol, and international approvals are taken," noting "the necessity of involving international teams in the airport crime case, as the crime involved several countries and is therefore an international crime."
    Earlier in the day, the Rusafa investigation judge issued an arrest warrant against the outgoing US President Donald Trump, according to Article 406 of the Penal Code in force. Ended 25 h

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