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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Halbousi: Parliament’s return is necessary to monitor financial laws that it passed, and we will

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Halbousi: Parliament’s return is necessary to monitor financial laws that it passed, and we will  Empty Al-Halbousi: Parliament’s return is necessary to monitor financial laws that it passed, and we will

    Post by Rocky Fri 30 Sep 2022, 5:25 am

    [size=36][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/size]

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, condemned on Thursday (September 29, 2022), the recent Iranian bombing of the Kurdistan region. 

    Al-Halbousi said in a television interview, which was followed by IQ News, that "we have no negative comments on the candidate for prime minister, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani."

    He added, "We insist on the return of the parliament's work, and political strife cannot be left outside the parliament's paper," stressing that "it is necessary for everyone to engage in dialogue without any preconditions."

    Al-Halbousi continued, "I suggest consensus on the Baghdad Document as an initiative for a political solution."

    He stressed that "all powers stem from the legislative institution, and therefore the return of Parliament is a necessary matter, and we have approved financial laws and they should have control, and the place of political understandings is within the dome of Parliament, and its return will allow discussion of various topics within it, and the quarrel should not be outside Parliament."

    "We are keen to reach the legislative and political work to a larger and more stable situation, so what is the benefit of the majority without the presence of consensus, and how everyone sits without the presence of legislative work," the parliament speaker said.

    He pointed out that "Baghdad has suffered and is the source of the political decision and its links are cut off because of the problems, and it does not deserve except that its situation suits its history. It was proposed to put forward the Baghdad Document in which the points of contention will be placed, and the House of Representatives will adopt in coordination with the rest of the authorities to gather the parties within the constitutional hall in which the Iraqi constitution was approved for the legality of the hall. morale."

    "We are seeking to bring together the political parties, and we have begun coordinating with the United Nations in order to achieve this, and we are waiting for the coming days, and we will give space for dialogue and understanding," the parliament speaker added.

    He pointed out that "negotiations to form the government began through the political visions of the blocs to be included in the government program, which is related to the economic, security and societal conditions. Many of its paragraphs were discussed and discussed, which are the main axes of the political agreement and the government program."

    Muhammad al-Halbousi said, "The candidate for prime minister (Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani) has a vision and point of view. ".
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