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    Inflation in Iraq for 2022 rises more than the International Monetary Fund expected by 9%

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Inflation in Iraq for 2022 rises more than the International Monetary Fund expected by 9% Empty Inflation in Iraq for 2022 rises more than the International Monetary Fund expected by 9%

    Post by Rocky Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:48 am

    [size=30]Inflation in Iraq for 2022 rises more than the International Monetary Fund expected by 9%

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    The data of the Ministry of Planning on the rate of inflation in Iraq is about 9% greater than what the International Monetary Fund expected regarding inflation in Iraq in 2022.
    The ministry said in a statement received by “Yass Iraq” that the Central Statistical Organization monitored an increase in the monthly inflation rate during the last month of the past year 2022 (last December) by (0.3%) compared to the previous month of October.
    The official spokesman for the ministry, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a statement that this increase resulted from the increase in the prices of the entertainment department by (2.4%), the miscellaneous goods and services department by (2%), and the transportation department increased by (1.5%).
    The statement pointed out that the annual inflation rate during the past year, 2022, recorded an increase of (4.9%).

    On the other hand, the International Monetary Fund had expected that inflation in Iraq in 2022 would reach 4.5%, which means that inflation in Iraq rose more than the expected rate of the international monetary by 9%.
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