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    With a slight increase in Iraq's production... OPEC + crude oil production grew in a month

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    With a slight increase in Iraq's production... OPEC + crude oil production grew in a month Empty With a slight increase in Iraq's production... OPEC + crude oil production grew in a month

    Post by Rocky Sat 11 Feb 2023, 4:19 am

    With a slight increase in Iraq's production... OPEC + crude oil production grew in a month

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    The OPEC+ alliance increased its crude oil production by 40,000 b/d in January, while Iraq's production outside the quota rose slightly.
    According to a survey by Standard & Poor's Global Commodity Insights, the 13 OPEC members pumped 29.09 million bpd in January, up 110,000 bpd from December, while the bloc's nine allies led by Russia produced 13.66 million bpd. per day, down 70 thousand barrels per day.
    Overall compliance with OPEC+ among countries with quotas reached 149.41% in January, with an aggregate shortfall of 1.79 million barrels per day short of their production targets.
    Russia's volumes fell by just 10,000 bpd in the month to 9.85 million bpd on average, according to the survey, despite the European Union's ban on imports of Russian crude.
    According to the survey, Iraq's production rose in January to reach 4.480 million barrels, a slight increase of 49 thousand barrels per day from the "quota" of 4.431 million barrels, and higher than December, when production amounted to 4.460 million barrels per day.
    Nigeria and Congo-Brazzaville showed good recoveries, offsetting declines in neighboring Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.
    Nigeria pumped 1.40 million bpd in January, the survey found, up 70,000 bpd from December and the highest since April.
    The survey found that Saudi Arabia, OPEC's largest producer, produced 10.42 million bpd in January, down 60,000 bpd, as exports showed a significant decline.
    The OPEC+ Monitoring Committee, co-chaired by Saudi Arabia and Russia, announced on February 1 that it would not recommend any change in quotas.
    The Monitoring Committee is scheduled to meet on April 3, followed by a full OPEC+ ministerial meeting scheduled for June 4.

    Views 88
    Added 02/11/2023 - 11:14 AM
    Updated 2023/02/11 - 1:18 PM
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