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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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2 posters

    Iraq is declining in the list of democratic countries, according to an international index

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraq is declining in the list of democratic countries, according to an international index Empty Iraq is declining in the list of democratic countries, according to an international index

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Mar 2023, 2:40 pm

    [size=30]Iraq is declining in the list of democratic countries, according to an international index
    [ltr]2023.03.03 - 22:29[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas  
    Iraq ranked 122 out of 179 countries in terms of democracy index, according to this year's report of the Videm Democracy Project prepared by the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg.  
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    Based on the collection of 31 million units of data between 1789 and 2022, the report assessed the democratic status of countries and ranked them from 1 to 179.  

    The report shows that Iraq fell four spots to 122nd in terms of democracy, from 118th in last year's report, but ahead of all its neighbors, with the exception of Jordan, which ranked 110th.   

    Iran ranks 149th and 27th behind Iraq.  

    The report shows that Tehran has fallen seven ranks in terms of democracy this year due to the government's handling of the demonstrations that followed the death of Zeina Amini.  

    Syria ranks as the fifth worst country in the world after North Korea, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Chad, and ranks 175th out of 179 countries.  

    Turkey ranks 141st, nine places behind Iraq. Compared to last year, democracy in Turkey has improved by six places.  

    According to the report, the ten most democratic countries in the world are:  

    1- Denmark  

    2- Sweden  

    3- Norway  

    4- Switzerland  

    5- Estonia  

    6. New Zealand  

    7- Belgium  

    8. Ireland  

    9- Costa Rica  

    10- Finland  

    The 10 most undemocratic countries are:  

    1. North Korea  

    2- Eritrea  

    3- Afghanistan  

    4- Chad  

    5- Syria  

    6. Nicaragua  

    7- Turkmenistan  

    8- China  

    9- Belarus  

    10- Saudi Arabia  
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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1821
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    Iraq is declining in the list of democratic countries, according to an international index Empty Re: Iraq is declining in the list of democratic countries, according to an international index

    Post by Bama Diva Fri 03 Mar 2023, 5:14 pm

     Based on the collection of 31 million units of data between 1789 and 2022,,,
    I suspect 1789 is a typo?? :grin:

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