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    Al-Sudani chairs a meeting on the situation in the Nineveh Plain

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Sudani chairs a meeting on the situation in the Nineveh Plain Empty Al-Sudani chairs a meeting on the situation in the Nineveh Plain

    Post by Rocky Fri 28 Apr 2023, 4:03 am

    [size=46]Al-Sudani chairs a meeting on the situation in the Nineveh Plain[/size]
    11:44 - 2023-04-28
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    On Thursday, the Federal Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, chaired a meeting to discuss the situation in the Nineveh Plain regions, in which representatives of the social components participated, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Coordination Authority for the governorates that are not affiliated with the Ahmed al-Fatlawi region.
    During the meeting, the Prime Minister directed, according to a statement issued by his office, to urgently send a committee from the Prime Minister's Office to the Bashiqa district. In order to identify the administrative problems in it and expedite their solution.
    Al-Sudani stressed the need for the problems occurring there not to be reflected in the security stability in the province, or affect the provision of services to its citizens, stressing the need to spread a spirit of brotherhood among the people of the components in Nineveh, and to avoid hate speech and discrimination, and to miss the opportunity for those who try to destabilize, which has been achieved after Victory over ISIS terrorist gangs, according to a statement by the Prime Minister's Office.

    The political components and parties in the Bashiqa district had announced their rejection of the decision to install a director for the Bashiqa district affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party, by a decision of the Governor of Nineveh.
    Representatives of the political parties and parties in Bashiqa said during a press conference on Tuesday evening that they were seeking to issue a statement rejecting this matter from the governor of Nineveh, and then proceed to demonstrate and organize civil protests to reject this decision, but they received a call from the Prime Minister who promised them to solve the problem.
    The political parties and the components of Bashiqa district also criticized the position of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is offensive to the components of the region and the security forces present there.

    For his part, the representative of the Shabak component, Waad al-Quddo, said in a statement to the official website of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, PUKMEDIA: "The district of Bashiqa belongs to Nineveh Governorate, and the majority of Shabakia live in it. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is trying hard to dominate the capabilities of Nineveh Governorate and control it completely."
    Al-Quddo added, "6 districts in Nineveh Governorate are controlled by the Democratic Party, and its District Commissioner was appointed by this party, and it does not stop at a certain limit, but rather seeks to take over every inch of Nineveh Governorate and rule in its systematic, dictatorial way that works to hide others."

    In turn, Aras Muhammad Agha, a member of the Leadership Council of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and an official of the Nineveh Organizations Center, told PUKMEDIA: “We in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan reject this policy and the exclusivity of the Democratic Party in distributing government positions.
    He added, "The governor was also unable to absorb all the political parties in Nineveh, and he became a party to actions that might have significant negative repercussions on Nineveh because of the Democratic Party's control over him."

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