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    Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament announces the postponement of the vote on the budget

    Admin Assist
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    Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament announces the postponement of the vote on the budget Empty Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament announces the postponement of the vote on the budget

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 May 2023, 2:50 pm

    Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament announces the postponement of the vote on the budget

    [ltr]2023.05.26 - 22:08[/ltr]

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    Baghdad - people  
    The Second Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Shakhwan Abdullah, announced, on Friday, the postponement of the voting session on the budget scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, until further notice.  
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    Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi said at the end of the week that Parliament would vote on the budget on Saturday.  
    Earlier, the Kurdistan Regional Government announced its rejection of the Parliamentary Finance Committee's amendments to its share of the budget.  
    The government said in a statement, which “NAS” received a copy of, (May 26, 2023), that “the changes introduced by some members of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament in the draft general budget law dated 5/25/2023 against the Kurdistan region are unconstitutional changes and clearly contradict With the agreement signed between the regional government and the federal government, as well as it constitutes a violation of the principles of the state administration government agreement and contradicts the essence of the ministerial curriculum that was voted on by the House of Representatives.      
    Read also:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  
    And she stressed, "We, in the regional government, will not accept this injustice and violation of the rights of the people of Kurdistan at all, and we will not abide by any other decision outside the scope of the agreement signed with the government of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani."      
    Also read:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  
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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament announces the postponement of the vote on the budget Empty Amendments to the region's share in the budget bring the differences back to square one

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 May 2023, 2:53 pm

    [size=38]Amendments to the region's share in the budget bring the differences back to square one[/size]

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    May 26, 2023[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad / Obelisk Al-Hadath: The Kurdistan Regional Government announced, on Friday, its rejection of the Parliamentary Finance Committee's amendments to its share of the budget.
    The government said in a statement, “The changes made by some members of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, on 5/25/2023, are against the Kurdistan Region, on the draft budget law, which is unconstitutional and contrary to the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government, which is the program of the voting cabinet.” it in Parliament.”
    A member of the State of Law Coalition, Representative Duha al-Qusayr, said in a statement on the screens, “The representatives of the law will boycott the voting session on the budget if the allocations for the poor governorates in the south are not raised.”
    Al-Qusayr considered that the number of employees in the Kurdistan region needs a “fact-finding committee.”
    The disputes between the federal government in Iraq and the Kurdistan region over the file of the region's employees are long-term and include multiple axes related to salaries, appointments, budgets and legislation for employees in the areas under the control of the Kurdistan Region. These differences have caused tensions between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region over the years.
    According to the available information, there is no clear and reliable number of employees in the Kurdistan region of Iraq that Baghdad provides. However, some available reports provide approximate numbers.
    According to the International Labor Organization report for the year 2020, the total number of workers in the Kurdistan region is estimated at about 1.5 million people, with the public sector making up about 28% of this number.
    In 2022, statistics were published that the number of employees in the public sector in the Kurdistan region may reach 500,000 employees.
    In the year 2021, the number of employees in the Ministry of Interior in the Kurdistan Region is estimated at about 40,000 employees.

    And Baghdad and Erbil have not reached over the years a permanent agreement on the laws for the distribution of oil and financial revenues between them.
    Under the Iraqi constitution, oil revenues are distributed between the federal government and the regions in specific proportions, but there are disagreements regarding the specific proportions and how to distribute them.
    It is known about Iraq in general and Kurdistan, the existence of fictitious employees, who are people who claim to be official employees and receive salaries or benefits without actually performing any work or carrying out any task.
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