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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    International site: The cost of living in Erbil is 7% more expensive than Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277497
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    International site: The cost of living in Erbil is 7% more expensive than Baghdad Empty International site: The cost of living in Erbil is 7% more expensive than Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Sun 13 Aug 2023, 5:02 am

    International site: The cost of living in Erbil is 7% more expensive than Baghdad

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Expatistan, a global website that ranks countries in the world, revealed that Erbil is 7% more expensive than Baghdad in terms of cost of living.
    This site compares in its classifications the cost of living among countries of the world, depending on the prices of food, housing, clothing, transportation, personal care products, and recreational activities, and recently issued its latest classification for the year 2023.
    According to the site, "the percentage of what the population in Erbil pays for food is 3% more than what the residents pay in Baghdad, while the residents of Erbil pay for housing 20% ​​more than what the residents pay in Baghdad." 
    He pointed out that "the residents of Erbil pay less than 8% for clothes than the residents of Baghdad, while the residents of Erbil pay for transportation less than 11% of what the residents of Baghdad pay," noting that "the residents of Erbil pay more for personal care than the residents of Baghdad." By 27%, and finally, residents of Erbil pay more for entertainment than residents of Baghdad, by 19%.

    Views 14
    Added 08/13/2023 - 11:24 AM
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