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    Saudi Arabia reinforce its border with Iraq to protect electronic system

    Admin Assist
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    Saudi Arabia reinforce its border with Iraq to protect electronic system  Empty Saudi Arabia reinforce its border with Iraq to protect electronic system

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Oct 2014, 8:14 am

    Saudi Arabia reinforce its border with Iraq to protect electronic system 

    Baghdad / term-Presse 

    Saudi Arabia announced on strengthening its northern border with Iraq, a new security system carried out under the supervision of Airbus, indicating that the system is equipped with advanced technologies to detect and address the various threats along the border between the two countries, which extends nearly 900 km.

    The Web site reported Shephard Plus Shephard Plus British news military, in the news, seen it (the long-Presse), that "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has launched a security system to protect its northern border with Iraq under the supervision of Airbus for security protection." 
    promised the site, that "the project is the first part of the Development Program to protect the Saudi border, which aims to secure the borders of the Kingdom, to systems security and reconnaissance sophisticated, "noting that" the project includes advanced technologies provide integrated solutions to cover a border strip extends for 900 km with Iraq. " 
    added site Shephard Plus, that "the system consists of a wall of sand and three walls with seven centers of command and control (C2: Command and Control), and 32-station response and 240 wheel response with ten wheels reconnaissance scout, "noting that" the system also includes 40 towers to the poll to enhance security equipped with radar from Airbus model DS TRGS-SEC with surveillance cameras, night and day, and 38 towers to connect all linked to centers of control and command C2 at the national headquarters of the Saudi Ministry of Interior across 1.00045 million thousand km of fiber-optic cables, to detect and address the various threats. " 
    It is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia boosted its borders already protected with Iraq barriers earthen walls , be a closed area extends for 10 kilometers in depth Saudi territory, and Saudi authorities, through the control room, to monitor the border of a length approximately 900 km, around the clock with radar and cameras, infra-red. 
    as Kingdom sent about a thousand soldiers and a thousand other border guards, three aircraft and helicopter units, to strengthen the border area near the city of Arar, since the takeover of the organization (Daash) on the Iraqi city of Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad) on the tenth of June 2014.

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