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    Opening customs centers between Kirkuk and Kurdistan Region

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Opening customs centers between Kirkuk and Kurdistan Region Empty Opening customs centers between Kirkuk and Kurdistan Region

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Aug 2024, 5:16 am

    Opening customs centers between Kirkuk and Kurdistan Region

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    Iraqi trucks for transporting goods

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Kirkuk Chamber of Commerce announced in a statement the opening of customs centers between Kirkuk and the provinces of the Kurdistan Region, with the aim of enabling the people of Kirkuk to obtain food products manufactured in the Kurdistan Region.
    The chamber stated that "in order to reconsider the decisions to open customs centers in Mosul Dam and Diyala and the resulting economic damages, as Kirkuk was one of the most affected governorates, which led to the disruption of commercial activity in Kirkuk Governorate and prevented the people of the governorate from obtaining food products manufactured in the region, and through the submission of appropriate proposals by the Kirkuk Chamber of Commerce, it was decided to open a customs center between Altun Kupri and Kirkuk and another between Al-Rabi’a District and Kirkuk Control for trucks coming from Sulaymaniyah."
    Kirkuk Chamber of Commerce indicated that a period of no less than six months will be granted to factory owners in the Kurdistan Region to register their factories with the Federation of Iraqi Industries.
    Earlier, a number of truck drivers complained that they were charged more money at the Jemen weighing station in Kirkuk Governorate than at other stations in other governorates, in addition to being delayed for several hours in the hot summer weather.
    This is in violation of Cabinet Resolution No. (302 of 2019), which stipulated reducing wages to (5) thousand dinars.
    It is noteworthy that in the middle of last year (2023), the Federal Integrity Commission announced the arrest of four officials at weighing stations in Kirkuk for collecting sums without legal basis.
    Dozens of truck drivers had previously staged a sit-in on the Kirkuk road on Wednesday (May 15, 2024) due to what they described as mistreatment at security checkpoints, the times roads are opened and closed for them, and the costs of weighing stations, demanding that prices be adjusted and truck transit times be reviewed.

    Added 2024/08/07 - 9:09 AM
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