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    Panama Papers – Who Instigated the Leak? USA or Russia?


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Panama Papers – Who Instigated the Leak? USA or Russia? Empty Panama Papers – Who Instigated the Leak? USA or Russia?

    Post by Lobo Sat 16 Apr 2016, 3:33 pm

    Panama Papers – Who Instigated the Leak? USA or Russia? Mossack-Fonseca-logo
    The U.S. think-tank Brookings Institution is claiming that Russia released the Panama Papers in order to destabilize the West. Wikileaks claimed the exact opposite by stating that the publications have been launched by the United States. Our sources put the blame on neither country. Indeed, it is starting to emerge that previous attempts to leak information to Germany were ignored by government. Several times a whistleblower attempted to provide information to the Minister of Finance. The whistleblower wanted to expose questionable dealings of the Bundesdruckerei, which is a state-owned company with one of the longest histories in the business that dates as far back as the 18th century. The German government took over Bundesdruckerei as a wholly state-owned company. In recent years, however, the company has been transformed into a leading international full ID and management supplier.
    Panama Papers – Who Instigated the Leak? USA or Russia? Sch%C3%A4ubleSPIEGEL is now reporting that German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and his Secretary of State Werner Gatzer have refused contact with a whistleblower for years. The Ministry of Finance assumed Bundesdruckerei had used this company to do business in Venezuela.
    It appears that the whistleblower is German. This appears to be an internal breach rather than a state-orchestrated event. There appears to be no real motive to expose the Panama Papers for this has been following the same path as to why Hitler did not invade Switzerland; he too needed access to secret measures. Switzerland’s secrecy began when Hitler made it illegal to have an account outside of Germany. He could have invaded Switzerland for defeating his laws, but he did not. There are some lines you do not cross and this is one of them.
    Consequently, the leak does appear to be internal for personal political reasons rather than instigated by USA or Russia.

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