Trump’s San Diego Speech Was a Speech for the Ages
Donald Trump just delivered a speech for the ages in San Diego. He made several subtle and overt accusations. His two most stunning accusations consisted of what the real unemployment rate is and second, a politician has final challenged the California drought. Although he was cryptic on the drought, it is clear to those of us that have investigated the fraud and manipulation behind the drought, what he is talking about, and it is stunning.
The Real Unemployment Rate
Donald Trump is claiming that the REAL US unemployment is really running at 2o%. This matches what Shadow Stats John Williams claims as well as Joseph Meyer, from Straight Line Money Analysis, have clearly stated on The Common Sense Show. In fact both men have stated that this does not account for the “under-employment rate” which is due largely to Obamacare which restricts workers to 29 hours per week before employers are required to cover their exorbitant Obamacare costs.
The announcement of Trumps estimation of the unemployment rate is an amazing four times higher than the supposedly low rate of 5 percent claimed by President Barack Obama, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a rally in San Diego.
“You look at the NATO countries, many of them aren’t living up to their obligations. They’re our friends, they’re our allies, but they’ve been abusing us… Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, we defend these countries and they don’t pay us.” Trump was referring to our NATO allies that we pay to protect, while they ignore their obligations to NATO.
Throughout the campaign, Trump has bemoaned the fact that the United States is always stuck with the check and then when he is President, that will be a priority of his administration to stop the leaking.
Trump Delivers Cryptic Message About California Water Shortage
At that same speech in San Diego, he referenced the California water shortage. He was noncommittal except to say that California has plenty of water. I am also convinced that from what he said, he knows what I about the California drought
The United States Drought Monitor map is showing that 78% of the state is currently experiencing an “exceptional drought” stage. This represents a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Droughts can prove devastating to a community as widespread crop and pasture losses and shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells accompany drought conditions.
Exceptional drought, the most extreme category, indicates the most extreme conditions of drought and is considered to be a precursor to
Lynne Wilson, who serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations, “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California.”
It seems certain that at this rate of increasing drought, millions of Americans, presently living in California, better begin packing their collective bags because it could soon be moving day.
At this point, people are undoubtedly wondering if there isn’t something that can be done to save California from this massive drought?
The Air Force Has the Solution to California’s Drought
Since its first publication, “Owning the Weather 2025“, and “The Weather As a Force Multiplier“, both published in 1996, the Air Force has made it clear that it has the capability to control the weather to the degree that their documents admit that they can weaponize both weather and earthquakes (see Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Before you wrinkle your nose up and fall back on the phrase that so many have been conditioned by, “You must be a conspiracy theorist”, I have published the Air Force’s annotated bibliography on this subject of weather modification which is listed below in the Appendix (see Exhibit 1). I dare any reasonable person to read the data contained in the Appendix and not be able to conclude that the California drought , now in Arizona, now in New Mexico, now in Nevada and et al, in the Southwest, is not being artificially manipulated.
The Air Force actually maintains a separate entity in its branch known as the “Air Force Weather Agency”. Its mission is weather modification.
I am going to stop short of saying this Air Force agency created the drought conditions. Although, a circumstantial case can be made that major political capital and money is at stake in the California drought. Further, the Air Force clearly has the ability to mitigate the situation. (see Exhibits 1,2,3 located in the Appendix). Additionally, don’t the citizens of California pay taxes to the federal government who in turn, oversees the Air Force? Then why aren’t the full resources of the Air Force Weather Agency being brought to bear in this crisis? Further, why isn’t a massive cloud seeding program being implemented in California’s mountains? I grew up in Colorado and when the ski season was delayed by late snowfalls, the state simply “seeded” the clouds to expedite the process. If this worked in Colorado in the 20th century, then why would it not work in California in the 21st century?The simple answer is because that is not the plan.
Lynn Wilson, Kaplan University and a Very Bad Boy Named Peter
Lynn Wilson from Kaplan University has stated that climate change is behind what is happening to California. Lynn Wilson has conducted no meaningful research in the area of climate change. In fact, Kaplan University has never published a research study on climate change! Then why is Wilson speaking out on this issue? Wilson’s and Kaplan’s lack of meaningful credentials in this area are puzzling that any media outlet would give them the time of day, until one considers that Kaplan, a for-profit university is owned by the globalist propaganda mouthpiece, The Washington Post.
Amazingly, Lynne Wilson serves on the climtate change delegation in the United Nations. This fact makes Wilson’s statement that “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California”,to be very suspect with regard to moving Americans out of California.
Why is Wilson promoting the mass migration of Americans from California? More importantly, why would anyone listen to someone with no credentials to have the authority to make such a claim? Most importantly, why is Kaplan, which is basically an online university that does no research, being thrust into the forefront by such media outlets as CNBC?
Peter Sutherland an insider's insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.
Peter Sutherland an insider’s insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.
Lynn Wilson meet Peter Sutherland. I recently wrote about Peter Sutherland and pointed out that this Bilderberg Steering Committee member, former head of the Western Europe Trilateral Commission, the former head of the Bank of Ireland and the person I identified as the mastermind of the conspiracy related to the Gulf oil explosion, would be in charge of any population movements inside of the United states. Most significantly, in 2006, Peter Sutherland was appointed as the special representative (SRSG) on the United Nations International Migration and Development.The UN’s International Migration and Development would be in charge of large scale population movements. It is clear that Lynn Wilson is a convenient puppet and a bumbling mouthpiece for Sutherland.
Over the past month, I have written about Sutherland being the point man resulting in the takeover of the US by the UN. I am surprised that the propaganda aspect of these intentions is already in the mainstream media. My fear is that this plot is going to move very quickly.
A more detailed synopsis about the threat posed to the United States by Sutherland can be obtained here.
Simultaneous Agendas Connected to the Evacuation of California and It Is a Very Good Reason to Build the Wall
For those that are wondering why I am presenting the notion of climate change without a change, it is your turn. Climate Change is a term which evolved out of the term “global warming” which was debunked as a scientific concept as a result of the hacked emails discovery from East Anglia University in what became known as “Climategate” in which it was admitted that the scientists promoting the concept were cooking the books. Thus, “Climate Change” came into being. Now, man is responsible whenever there is a hail storm, snow storm, a tornado, etc. Any deviation in a “normal” weather pattern is due to man’s use of energy, particularly fossil fuels. Thus, the concept of Cap and Trade was born which would hand over all energy to a few enlightened men so that they could save the planet. Forget save the planet, the science does not support the fraud. Handing over the world’s economy based on pseudo science is the goal. The present crisis in California helps to establish the public “legitimacy” of this goal and will serve to convince the people to give up their property, their rights and their fortunes in order to save the Earth. It will work because how many people in the general population knows the difference between a control group and an experimental group?
There is yet another reason connected to the evacuation of California at some point because of artificially caused drought. I have previously written about the Atzlan concept as well as the role that MECHA and La Raza’s have proudly stated as their intent to establish a new country entitled Atzlan. The concept has been in formal existence for over a decade. It is based on the premise that in 1848 the United States illegally provoked the Mexican War which resulted in the loss of the present American Southwest from the country of Mexico. The historical allegations by MECHA and La Raza are correct. However, most reasonable Americans see the solution as being more unreasonable than the war which led to the loss of land in the first place. Atzlan advocates call for the expulsion of people of European descent from this seven state area. At one time, I saw this as a race-baiting divide and conquer strategy intended to create an unnecessary rift between whites and Latinos. Now, I see this in an entirely different light. This is the beginning of the breakup of the United States under the North American Union and the SPP agreement signed by President George W. Bush.
The initial Jade Helm map is match for the Atzlan map.
Chemtrails and HAARP are responsible for the drought. However, this problem can fixed by a change in leadership and a discontinuance of the Air Force owning the weather programs.
If I can find this two years ago, don’t you think that Trump already knows and this is the motivation for his wall?
Trump just fired a shot over the bow of the UN and became a very legitimate candidate who is representing the people’s interest.
Donald Trump just delivered a speech for the ages in San Diego. He made several subtle and overt accusations. His two most stunning accusations consisted of what the real unemployment rate is and second, a politician has final challenged the California drought. Although he was cryptic on the drought, it is clear to those of us that have investigated the fraud and manipulation behind the drought, what he is talking about, and it is stunning.
The Real Unemployment Rate
Donald Trump is claiming that the REAL US unemployment is really running at 2o%. This matches what Shadow Stats John Williams claims as well as Joseph Meyer, from Straight Line Money Analysis, have clearly stated on The Common Sense Show. In fact both men have stated that this does not account for the “under-employment rate” which is due largely to Obamacare which restricts workers to 29 hours per week before employers are required to cover their exorbitant Obamacare costs.
The announcement of Trumps estimation of the unemployment rate is an amazing four times higher than the supposedly low rate of 5 percent claimed by President Barack Obama, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a rally in San Diego.
“You look at the NATO countries, many of them aren’t living up to their obligations. They’re our friends, they’re our allies, but they’ve been abusing us… Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, we defend these countries and they don’t pay us.” Trump was referring to our NATO allies that we pay to protect, while they ignore their obligations to NATO.
Throughout the campaign, Trump has bemoaned the fact that the United States is always stuck with the check and then when he is President, that will be a priority of his administration to stop the leaking.
Trump Delivers Cryptic Message About California Water Shortage
At that same speech in San Diego, he referenced the California water shortage. He was noncommittal except to say that California has plenty of water. I am also convinced that from what he said, he knows what I about the California drought
The United States Drought Monitor map is showing that 78% of the state is currently experiencing an “exceptional drought” stage. This represents a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Droughts can prove devastating to a community as widespread crop and pasture losses and shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells accompany drought conditions.
Exceptional drought, the most extreme category, indicates the most extreme conditions of drought and is considered to be a precursor to
Lynne Wilson, who serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations, “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California.”
It seems certain that at this rate of increasing drought, millions of Americans, presently living in California, better begin packing their collective bags because it could soon be moving day.
At this point, people are undoubtedly wondering if there isn’t something that can be done to save California from this massive drought?
The Air Force Has the Solution to California’s Drought
Since its first publication, “Owning the Weather 2025“, and “The Weather As a Force Multiplier“, both published in 1996, the Air Force has made it clear that it has the capability to control the weather to the degree that their documents admit that they can weaponize both weather and earthquakes (see Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Before you wrinkle your nose up and fall back on the phrase that so many have been conditioned by, “You must be a conspiracy theorist”, I have published the Air Force’s annotated bibliography on this subject of weather modification which is listed below in the Appendix (see Exhibit 1). I dare any reasonable person to read the data contained in the Appendix and not be able to conclude that the California drought , now in Arizona, now in New Mexico, now in Nevada and et al, in the Southwest, is not being artificially manipulated.
The Air Force actually maintains a separate entity in its branch known as the “Air Force Weather Agency”. Its mission is weather modification.
I am going to stop short of saying this Air Force agency created the drought conditions. Although, a circumstantial case can be made that major political capital and money is at stake in the California drought. Further, the Air Force clearly has the ability to mitigate the situation. (see Exhibits 1,2,3 located in the Appendix). Additionally, don’t the citizens of California pay taxes to the federal government who in turn, oversees the Air Force? Then why aren’t the full resources of the Air Force Weather Agency being brought to bear in this crisis? Further, why isn’t a massive cloud seeding program being implemented in California’s mountains? I grew up in Colorado and when the ski season was delayed by late snowfalls, the state simply “seeded” the clouds to expedite the process. If this worked in Colorado in the 20th century, then why would it not work in California in the 21st century?The simple answer is because that is not the plan.
Lynn Wilson, Kaplan University and a Very Bad Boy Named Peter
Lynn Wilson from Kaplan University has stated that climate change is behind what is happening to California. Lynn Wilson has conducted no meaningful research in the area of climate change. In fact, Kaplan University has never published a research study on climate change! Then why is Wilson speaking out on this issue? Wilson’s and Kaplan’s lack of meaningful credentials in this area are puzzling that any media outlet would give them the time of day, until one considers that Kaplan, a for-profit university is owned by the globalist propaganda mouthpiece, The Washington Post.
Amazingly, Lynne Wilson serves on the climtate change delegation in the United Nations. This fact makes Wilson’s statement that “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California”,to be very suspect with regard to moving Americans out of California.
Why is Wilson promoting the mass migration of Americans from California? More importantly, why would anyone listen to someone with no credentials to have the authority to make such a claim? Most importantly, why is Kaplan, which is basically an online university that does no research, being thrust into the forefront by such media outlets as CNBC?
Peter Sutherland an insider's insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.
Peter Sutherland an insider’s insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.
Lynn Wilson meet Peter Sutherland. I recently wrote about Peter Sutherland and pointed out that this Bilderberg Steering Committee member, former head of the Western Europe Trilateral Commission, the former head of the Bank of Ireland and the person I identified as the mastermind of the conspiracy related to the Gulf oil explosion, would be in charge of any population movements inside of the United states. Most significantly, in 2006, Peter Sutherland was appointed as the special representative (SRSG) on the United Nations International Migration and Development.The UN’s International Migration and Development would be in charge of large scale population movements. It is clear that Lynn Wilson is a convenient puppet and a bumbling mouthpiece for Sutherland.
Over the past month, I have written about Sutherland being the point man resulting in the takeover of the US by the UN. I am surprised that the propaganda aspect of these intentions is already in the mainstream media. My fear is that this plot is going to move very quickly.
A more detailed synopsis about the threat posed to the United States by Sutherland can be obtained here.
Simultaneous Agendas Connected to the Evacuation of California and It Is a Very Good Reason to Build the Wall
For those that are wondering why I am presenting the notion of climate change without a change, it is your turn. Climate Change is a term which evolved out of the term “global warming” which was debunked as a scientific concept as a result of the hacked emails discovery from East Anglia University in what became known as “Climategate” in which it was admitted that the scientists promoting the concept were cooking the books. Thus, “Climate Change” came into being. Now, man is responsible whenever there is a hail storm, snow storm, a tornado, etc. Any deviation in a “normal” weather pattern is due to man’s use of energy, particularly fossil fuels. Thus, the concept of Cap and Trade was born which would hand over all energy to a few enlightened men so that they could save the planet. Forget save the planet, the science does not support the fraud. Handing over the world’s economy based on pseudo science is the goal. The present crisis in California helps to establish the public “legitimacy” of this goal and will serve to convince the people to give up their property, their rights and their fortunes in order to save the Earth. It will work because how many people in the general population knows the difference between a control group and an experimental group?
There is yet another reason connected to the evacuation of California at some point because of artificially caused drought. I have previously written about the Atzlan concept as well as the role that MECHA and La Raza’s have proudly stated as their intent to establish a new country entitled Atzlan. The concept has been in formal existence for over a decade. It is based on the premise that in 1848 the United States illegally provoked the Mexican War which resulted in the loss of the present American Southwest from the country of Mexico. The historical allegations by MECHA and La Raza are correct. However, most reasonable Americans see the solution as being more unreasonable than the war which led to the loss of land in the first place. Atzlan advocates call for the expulsion of people of European descent from this seven state area. At one time, I saw this as a race-baiting divide and conquer strategy intended to create an unnecessary rift between whites and Latinos. Now, I see this in an entirely different light. This is the beginning of the breakup of the United States under the North American Union and the SPP agreement signed by President George W. Bush.
The initial Jade Helm map is match for the Atzlan map.
Chemtrails and HAARP are responsible for the drought. However, this problem can fixed by a change in leadership and a discontinuance of the Air Force owning the weather programs.
If I can find this two years ago, don’t you think that Trump already knows and this is the motivation for his wall?
Trump just fired a shot over the bow of the UN and became a very legitimate candidate who is representing the people’s interest.
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 3:28 pm by Bama Diva
» Localization.. Signs of positive development to support the national economy
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 3:14 pm by Bama Diva
» Experts call for activating the agriculture and industry sectors
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 3:03 pm by Bama Diva
» The Central Bank of Iraq directs banks to spread and expand their financial services
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 2:36 pm by Bama Diva
» Al-Sudani: British exports to Iraq exceeded $1 billion in 2024, and its companies concluded contrac
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 2:31 pm by Bama Diva
» Above $80.. New rise in oil prices
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 2:26 pm by Bama Diva
» Coordination Framework announces agreement to move forward with budget amendments to achieve "social
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 2:18 pm by Bama Diva
» I regret to inform you after 20 yrs of postings
Mon 13 Jan 2025, 2:23 am by KUANYIN
» Central Bank of Iraq sells over $1.16 billion in foreign currency
Sun 12 Jan 2025, 5:52 pm by Bama Diva
» Iraq-China trade cooperation reaches $50 billion in 11 months
Sun 12 Jan 2025, 5:45 pm by Bama Diva
» Salih: Iraq ranks first in the world in the concentration of natural resources
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:51 am by Bama Diva
» PM Advisor: The monetary enhancement mechanism will safeguard financial stability in the country
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:45 am by Bama Diva
» Government Adviser: Non-Oil GDP Growth in 2024 Reaches Unprecedented Levels
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:42 am by Bama Diva
» Parliament conforms to World Bank on the importance of government infrastructure in development
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:37 am by Bama Diva
» PM: Restructuring government banks to ensure the availability of capabilities and openness with glob
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:33 am by Bama Diva
» entral Bank: There is no financial problem threatening employees’ salaries and we have great capabil
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:25 am by Bama Diva
» Basra crude achieves weekly gains amid rising oil markets
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:10 am by Bama Diva
» The dollar falls against the dinar in Baghdad and Erbil with the closing at the beginning of the wee
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 10:06 am by Bama Diva
» PM Al-Sudani eyes tourism as a cornerstone of Iraq’s non-oil economy
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 9:57 am by Bama Diva
» PMF Chief: Iraq's armed forces at their strongest
Sat 11 Jan 2025, 9:43 am by Bama Diva
» INA discusses exchange rates files, foreign transfers, and housing initiatives with the CBI governor
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 6:29 pm by Bama Diva
» Government Adviser: Non-Oil GDP Growth in 2024 Reaches Unprecedented Levels
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 6:25 pm by Bama Diva
» Parliament conforms to World Bank on the importance of government infrastructure in development
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 6:20 pm by Bama Diva
» Iraq exports oil worth over $5 billion to US in 11 months
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 5:30 pm by Bama Diva
» Iraq’s Ministry of Oil announces 2024 petroleum product sales
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 5:25 pm by Bama Diva
» US dollar exchange rate continues to decline in Iraq
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 5:20 pm by Bama Diva
» Iraq completes 400-kilometer security border wall with Syria
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 5:15 pm by Bama Diva
» Iraq collaborates with Ernst & Young on state-owned bank reforms
Fri 10 Jan 2025, 5:07 pm by Bama Diva
» Kurdistan records a significant increase in the number of imported cars during 2024
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 4:01 am by Rocky
» The Ministry of Justice announces the implementation of the electronic payment system in all notary
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:59 am by Rocky
» The Ministry of Justice counts the achievements and activities achieved during the past year accordi
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:58 am by Rocky
» Central Bank: We have started working with the correspondent banking system
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:55 am by Rocky
» Is the Ministry of Finance hiding the facts?.. An expert reveals the main reason for the shortage of
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:53 am by Rocky
» Reconstruction: 2025 plan includes 70 external road projects
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:49 am by Rocky
» Economist: The government is obligated to pay salaries as it is a matter of fate
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:47 am by Rocky
» The Central Bank of Iraq opens new horizons in foreign transfers and enhances international financia
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:45 am by Rocky
» Judge Zidane and Al-Sudani are the first to disclose their financial assets in 2025
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:42 am by Rocky
» Oil Price: Trump's Team Considers 'Direct Sanctions' on Iraq That Will Hit Oil
Thu 02 Jan 2025, 3:40 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Integrity: The amounts recovered from the “theft of the century” do not exceed 5%, and
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:04 pm by Bama Diva
» Dinars entering the Ministry of Finance are 20% less than the amount it needs.. Iraqis start their n
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 2:50 pm by Bama Diva
» Mazhar Saleh: No salary crisis and financial reserves cover liquidity completely
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 4:04 am by Rocky
» Central Bank announces major achievement in foreign transfers
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 4:02 am by Rocky
» Confirmation that America is putting pressure on Al-Sudani to transform the Iraqi regime into "secul
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:59 am by Rocky
» Warnings of the dangers of the Turkish-Zionist-American plan to destabilize Iraq
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:57 am by Rocky
» Expert: Iraqi economy is stable despite changes in the dollar market
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:56 am by Rocky
» Economist praises ASYCUDA automation system: A step towards achieving important resources
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:55 am by Rocky
» More than $60 billion in Iraqi currency auction sales in 2024
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:53 am by Rocky
» Is there a salary crisis in Iraq? Al-Sudani’s advisor explains
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:50 am by Rocky
» The Central Bank decides to suspend withdrawals and deposits for four days
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:46 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani Office announces the implementation of the global ASYCUDA system to automate customs opera
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:42 am by Rocky
» The leaders “reconciled” and the amendment of the electoral law is “a done deal”.. What does this da
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:41 am by Rocky
» With the document .. MP Sand files a complaint against the Ministry of Finance .. for this reason
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:39 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Finance: The government is working to enhance non-oil revenues
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:37 am by Rocky
» The 10 most indebted Arab countries in 2024.. This is Iraq's rank
Wed 01 Jan 2025, 3:35 am by Rocky
» utube 12/27/24 MM&C MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Iraqs Wealth Fund-National Currency-Arab World Volume Tra
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:42 am by Rocky
» utube 12/28/24 Iraq - CBI Governor Makes an Announcement, Digital Banking Expansion
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:41 am by Rocky
» utube 12/29/24 MM&C MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Digital Transformation-Global Economic Power-USA-Imminent
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:40 am by Rocky
» utube 12/31/24 MM&C MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Commemorative Coin?-Investment Attractive-Dollar Auction
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:40 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani chairs expanded meeting to review Oil Ministry projects
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:35 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister stresses importance of investing best opportunities to maximize state revenues
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:27 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister's Office announces implementation of ASYCUDA global system for automating customs ope
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:24 am by Rocky
» Judiciary: Recovering 12 billion dinars for financial fraud crime
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:20 am by Rocky
» US-Iranian Tension: Iraq Between Competition and Mediation Role After Trump’s Return
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:14 am by Rocky
» MP confirms settlement of controversy over ministerial amendments
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:07 am by Rocky
» National Union: Time is no longer sufficient for the dialogue on the oil and gas law to mature
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:05 am by Rocky
» Economist: Relying on oil as a source of revenue will have serious consequences
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:03 am by Rocky
» Al-Maliki: Repeated amendments to the election law weaken voter confidence in the political process
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 7:01 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Legal: Interrogating ministers and officials is still subject to political agreements
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 6:58 am by Rocky
» Due to the American veto, Iraq suffers from a weak armament in the face of regional developments
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 6:52 am by Rocky
» What is holding up the passage of the oil and gas law so far?
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 6:49 am by Rocky
» New Cabinet Resolutions Package
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 6:45 am by Rocky
» Experts speak to {Sabah} about the most important economic events in 2024
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 6:36 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani stresses the importance of review and investing the best opportunities to maximize state r
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 6:30 am by Rocky
» With more than 30 billion dollars... a leap in the projects market in Iraq
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 5:15 am by Rocky
» Central Bank of Iraq sells about $290 million in currency auction
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 5:12 am by Rocky
» Customs: Our revenues increased by 128% during the current year
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 5:08 am by Rocky
» Our Economic and Financial Vision for 2025 in Iraq
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 5:05 am by Rocky
» How much of Iraq's electrical system has been lost due to the halt of Iranian gas?
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 5:02 am by Rocky
» $31.7 billion is the increase in the value of its market projects in Iraq
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 5:00 am by Rocky
» Turkmen gas will cover 50% of Iraq's stations' needs.. New details about the agreement
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:57 am by Rocky
» Basra-Haditha oil pipeline.. will go to 5 countries and this is its value
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:55 am by Rocky
» Early talk about postponing the elections is “evidence” of Iraq’s entry into the map of change in th
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:52 am by Rocky
» New details on the incident of the "death of a US National Guard soldier" in Iraq - Urgent
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:48 am by Rocky
» Economist: Iraq-Jordan oil pipeline enters implementation phase
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:45 am by Rocky
» International Report: 2025 will be the largest year for projects inside Iraq
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:42 am by Rocky
» Monetary policy collapses in Iraq.. Investment in banks is almost non-existent and the Central Bank
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:40 am by Rocky
» We have started preparing for next summer.. Electricity: The agreement to supply Turkmen gas will co
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:37 am by Rocky
» Former MP: Wrong timing hinders the passage of laws
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:35 am by Rocky
» The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement: "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani chair
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:33 am by Rocky
» Al-Hakim calls for benefiting from the Japanese experience in combating corruption
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:31 am by Rocky
» Türkiye is considering establishing an oil pipeline with Syria and linking it to the Iraqi Kirkuk-Ce
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:30 am by Rocky
» 2024, the year of crises, bids farewell to Iraq without answers: What is the fate of the Popular Mob
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:29 am by Rocky
» Agriculture Committee: Strict measures to protect the agricultural calendar and support local produc
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:27 am by Rocky
» MP: Delay in employees’ salaries is unjustified and we demand that the Ministry of Finance clarify t
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:23 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani chairs a special meeting on the integrated South Basra project, which includes several ene
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:18 am by Rocky
» The Iraqi government approves the contract to establish the oil pipeline (Basra-Haditha)
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:16 am by Rocky
» The government agrees to increase the fees for examining and marking gold jewellery
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:13 am by Rocky
» MP: There is no longer any intention by the government to make a ministerial reshuffle
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:10 am by Rocky
» Transparency: Sulaymaniyah and Halabja imports in 2024 amounted to more than 897 billion dinars
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 4:06 am by Rocky