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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The new Council of Najaf postpone its first meeting until further notice for lack of quorum

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The new Council of Najaf postpone its first meeting until further notice for lack of quorum  Empty The new Council of Najaf postpone its first meeting until further notice for lack of quorum

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Jun 2013, 4:42 am

    The new Council of Najaf postpone its first meeting until further notice for lack of quorum

    Author: AY
    Editor: NK
    09/06/2013 10:50

    Range Press / Najaf

    Correspondent, (range Press), said on Sunday that the Najaf provincial council has decided to lift its first session held this morning, until further notice because of, the lack of quorum, and pointed out that the meeting was attended by a coalition of citizens and Liberals, as well as three members of the a coalition of state law.

    The reporter said that the new province of Najaf Council held nearly a quarter past ten o'clock in the morning its first meeting chaired by the eldest member of the Council Khalil blessing Jubouri and in the presence of the governor Adnan al.

    The correspondent added that Jubouri decided to adjourn the meeting until further notice shortly after the session, due to a lack of quorum in the Council, noting that the Liberal coalition of citizen and, as well as three members of the coalition of state law did not attend the hearing.

    The sender noted that the number of council members present is 14 out of 29 members.

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