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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki's coalition: the targeting of US aircraft for the crowd of tribal intentional crime

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Maliki's coalition: the targeting of US aircraft for the crowd of tribal intentional crime Empty Maliki's coalition: the targeting of US aircraft for the crowd of tribal intentional crime

    Post by Rocky Thu 06 Oct 2016, 7:00 am

    Maliki's coalition: the targeting of US aircraft for the crowd of tribal intentional crime

    Thursday 06-10-2016 | 2:20:16

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    J p
    Twilight News / promised MP for the coalition of state law Firdaus al-Awadi on Thursday, US planes targeted under the pretext of error range from the crowd of tribal fighters, "a crime intended purpose of protecting Daesh gangs and punish those targeted."
    Al-Awadi said in a statement today, said that "targeting coalition forces repeated, sometimes pounding crowd and sometimes the army or federal police and sometimes air dropping off aid to Daesh then claim that it was an error."
    She added, "These alleged errors in contradiction with the US talk of injury planes painted military targets thanks to technology owned accuracy."
    And increased al-Awadi, saying "While we condemn and denounce these practices and the attacks on the people of Iraq by US forces and its satellites, the Iraqi government demand the opening of a thorough investigation of these violations and recorded in the records responsible for the safety of Independent States in the Security Council condemnation of organizations officially."
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