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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Inspectorate internal re recommends that more than 350 million dinars to the state treasury

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Inspectorate internal re recommends that more than 350 million dinars to the state treasury Empty Inspectorate internal re recommends that more than 350 million dinars to the state treasury

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Oct 2016, 3:36 am

    [size=37]Inspectorate internal re recommends that more than 350 million dinars to the state treasury[/size]

    Baghdad Journal
    Issued a planning and follow-up of the Division in the Office of the Inspector General of the Interior Ministry, on Thursday, a detailed report of the activities of the directorates and departments and the people of the office for the month of last September, the overall activities of inspection and audit and regulatory stating the implemented Mlakatha the circles and the joints of the different ministry in Baghdad and the provinces, indicating it reinstated and recommended that more 350 million to the state treasury.
    The bureau said in a report obtained (Il Giornale) a copy of it, that "Angels audit and financial control directorate was able to refund (18,628,368) dinars and prevented wastage amount (17,825,000) dinars, and recommended that (315,748,100) dinars to the state treasury."
    The report pointed out that "the audit and financial control directorate has audited the four drafts of the contract showed its opinion on the 38 council investigative and continued implementation of the 8 contracts within the ministry's investment plan, and 12 contracts under the operational plan it," noting that it "has given its opinion of 30 treatment belonging to the Directorate inspection Baghdad and 25 other transaction belonging to the Directorate provincial inspection. "
    He added that "the inspection of the Directorate of Baghdad, one of the directorates of the Office of the Inspector General has been carried out during the month of September 56 Tvicaa active and an audit resulted in the discovery of 49 cases administrative corruption, and 3 cases of financial corruption," noting that "the total inspection activities and audit of the Directorate of the provincial inspection reached during the month also 236 active star 153 reported the discovery of the case of administrative corruption and 11 cases of financial corruption. "
    The report said that the "Monitoring Directorate and performance evaluation was able to implement the four fact-finding committees resulted in the discovery of four cases of administrative corruption, and has sent a 236 form for disclosure of financial interests, and was able to organize 273 form the functional behavior of a special civilian personnel and 1738 special form military personnel, and 167 form internal assessment for people during the month. "
    He pointed out that "the number of open investigative boards by investigations and legal Directorate of Inspectorate of the Interior has reached 700 investigative Council distributed among the 404 council accomplishing and 186 council validated, and 53 council has been referred to other departments and the two councils to the Integrity Commission and 57 boards were shut down and 5 boards It has been issued by the disciplinary sanctions as well as the boards of the other sections. "
    The report indicated that "integrity department at the Directorate of Investigation and Legal able to discover the 30 scholarships a forged document of the 1380 document were audited during the month of September."
    In the area of ​​human rights, complaints and Almkabla T. report has reported that "the human rights directorate carried out during the month, 39 Tvicaa active, of which 21 visit to the positions of the Ministry of Interior and 24 visiting administrative formations where and 4 private visits during which he spotted one case of violation of human rights, he also threw 20 educational lecture on the unaffiliated and detained separately focusing on human values ​​and rights and how to prepare an individual to be an active element in society. "
    "The total number of complaints received by the Office of the Inspector General were 313 complaints was able to take the appropriate action on the most" .anthy 3
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