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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Health confirms the "new" students examine the fear of the spread of diseases and the families of st

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    Health confirms the "new" students examine the fear of the spread of diseases and the families of st Empty Health confirms the "new" students examine the fear of the spread of diseases and the families of st

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Oct 2016, 3:31 am

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     Amer supporter 

    The Ministry of Health, on Saturday, completing the procedures of examining new students in schools for fear of an outbreak ofCommunicable Diseases, noting that the plan will continue throughout the year, while thefamilies of the students called for a medical room at each school, to examine students on a regular basis, as well as reducing the number of students per class. 
    A spokesman for the Ministry of Health Ahmed Rudaini, in a statement to the "long", said that " the ministry plan for school health began with the start of the new academic year, where the plan included follow all theschools that have opened their doors to students." 
    According to the Ministry of Health, the in "December 2015", he confirmed in approximately 4,500 student mumps, adding that the outbreak was due to the large number of students per class. 
    He Rudaini, saying, "the Ministry of Health has continuously coordinate with the concerned ministries in this matter, particularly the Ministry of Education , " stressing " the new students have undergone eye screening and follow - up schedule for vaccinations for fear of not completed." 
    He pointed Rudaini, that " the follow - up to the school health are made through the whole year and not limited to the separation without the other, because the disease is not limited to a specific period only," noting that " the summer vacation, include inspection of the water stores in school, in addition to the school environment , surrounded by students. " 
    He continued," the mobile teams, diagnosed cases in schools in order to address them as soon as possible ,"stressing that" the ministry has completed the examination of all schools students, and did not record any case of the presence of disease transitional, it may infect a group of students. " According to the Ministry ofEducation, earlier, taken a series of precautionary measures and preventive and curative to curb the spread ofdiseases , the transition between the students and pupils. For its part says Magda Mohamed - and the mother of two students in a statement to the "long", that " the diseases rampant in the previous year among thestudents, made the most of the families of students wary of choosing schools which taught students." 
    She added Mohammed, said that "health mobile teams working to visit most of the schools, covering a large part of the concerns of residents, especially that some diseases certain to claim the lives of students. " 
    he called Muhammad and the Ministry of Health that" defines a medical room in each school, in order tofollow the students continuously, because the disease if it happens, it may spread before detection, so the presence of this room will contribute to the follow - up of students who are exposed to the disease on a daily basis. " 
    increased," the main problem that lead to disease outbreaks, is the large number of students per class, so the transmission of the disease is rapidly among students . " 
    He said the statement of the Ministry of Education that it" worked in coordination with Baghdad 's health department and a number of provinces , "noting that" the Division of school Health in the district has taken several measures to curb the disease , including fogging schools and the granting of licenses compulsory for students and pupils affected by the diseases. " 
    the Ministry of Health confirmed (March 2015) the increase in the incidence of scabies bead Baghdad because of the presence of displaced people and piled in tight places with the lack of hygiene, pointing out that prevention remains the best treatment , despite its availability, so it must be personal hygiene to family members. 
    He revealed a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, for "lack of statistical for the incidence of scabies in theministry , "attributing to the fact that" most of the injured are receiving treatment in the private sector.
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