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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Weather in the country for the next day will صحوا with the escalation of light dust and temperature


    Posts : 5059
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Weather in the country for the next day will صحوا with the escalation of light dust and temperature  Empty Weather in the country for the next day will صحوا with the escalation of light dust and temperature

    Post by chouchou Wed 17 Jul 2013, 8:39 am

    Baghdad - where]

    [ltr]I expected the Iraqi Meteorological public Wednesday to be the country's weather for the next four days صحوا with the escalation of light and dust temperature [45] M[/ltr]

    [ltr]A report by the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of "low-impact air will weaken the weather will be tomorrow, Thursday in the northern region صحوا with dust is light, and in the central and southern regions صحوا and billowing dust day in multiple places them either temperature drops slightly in the northern Central and be in the southern region approach from the previous day and the wind will be northwesterly moderate to brisk 30-40 km / cm and visibility will be 8-10 km in the dust [3-5]

    [ltr]How The minimum temperature expected in the city of Baghdad They [25] and the maximum temperature [45].[/ltr]

    [ltr]He added that "low-impact air warming seasonal will continue to be the weather on Friday in the northern region

    [ltr]صحوا In the central and southern regions صحوا with the escalation of dust during the day in some places them, either temperatures slightly in the northern, central and be the approach in the southern region of the previous day and the wind will be northwesterly moderate to brisk 30-40 km / visibility will be 6-8 km in the dust [3-5] km.[/ltr]

    [ltr]The report noted that "he did not expect a change in the weather on Saturday in all areas except for a slight drop in temperatures in the southern region and a small rise in the northern and central regions from the previous day."[/ltr]

    [ltr]He predicted that "the continued impact of low atmospheric warming seasonal weather will be next Sunday in all regions as billowing dust during the day in various places of the central and southern regions, while the temperature shall be comparable to the previous day and the wind will be northwesterly mild to moderate speed [10-20 km / h are active during the day to 30-40 km / h, and the visibility will be 8-10 km in the dust [4-6] km. ended[/ltr]

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