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    Iraq and Algeria discuss the subject of the production of {OPEC}

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraq and Algeria discuss the subject of the production of {OPEC} Empty Iraq and Algeria discuss the subject of the production of {OPEC}

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 May 2017, 2:12 am

    Iraq and Algeria discuss the subject of the production of {OPEC}

    5/11/2017 0:00

    Baghdad / Al- Sabah
    announced that the Algerian Ministry of Energy, on Wednesday, the Algerian Energy Minister Noureddine Bouterfa visit to Iraq where he will meet with Minister of Oil Jabbar Luaibi, in preparation for a meeting the next Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC", to be held on May 25 , the current in the capital of Austria Vienna.
    A statement by the ministry that the visit will last two days, adding that he expected to settle the members of the "OPEC" during the next meeting , the issue of the extension or freeze for reduced production for a period of 6 months, a procedure which came into force since the first of January 2017.
    He noted that the visit aims for talks on issues related to the "OPEC" at a time when oil producers are considering the extension of a global agreement to cut production. " the
    statement noted that the decline in oil prices led to a reduction of " OPEC "production by 1.8 million barrels per day, starting January 2017 share 1.2 million barrels per day by members of the organization and 600 thousand barrels per day from 11 countries outside before Organization (Azerbaijan, Brunei, Bahrain, Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Russia, South Sudan and the Sudan). The
    statement affirmed that Algeria supports the extension of reduction agreement production between OPEC and non - members of the organization for a period of nine months or more to help deal efforts in support of world oil prices.
    the oil minister said Jabbar Allaibi 27 last April: Iraq will stick to the outcome of the consensus when "OPEC" will hold its meeting in Vienna , the end of this May , to discuss the extension of an agreement to cut production.
    The minister told a conference in Paris "on May 25 , we are heading to the " OPEC "and we will abide by the decision of no doubt" OPEC "final and collective decisions."
    He Allaibi Iraq, the second largest producer in the "OPEC", is fully committed to reducing the supply agreement led by the Organization was reached last year , and it has achieved 97 percent of the goal of reducing its production.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 2:27 am