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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Religious authority calls for politicians and people to "ask for forgiveness" and "correct path"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Religious authority calls for politicians and people to "ask for forgiveness" and "correct path" Empty Religious authority calls for politicians and people to "ask for forgiveness" and "correct path"

    Post by Rocky Fri 14 Jul 2017, 3:59 am

    Religious authority calls for politicians and people to "ask for forgiveness" and "correct path"

    Friday July 14, 2017 10:37

    congratulated Samaha religious authority Mohammed Taqi school, on Friday, the Iraqi people , the victory of Mosul , demanding politicians and the people to "ask for forgiveness" and "correct path", as explained that "exceeded the limits of the Lord and oppression and partisanship, sectarianism and arrogance" it was behind the spread of terrorism.

    The school said in a weekly statement that Alsumaria News received a copy of it, that " the victory must be a way to unite and self - accounting , " explaining that " God Almighty commands us to make the conquest suitable for forgiveness."
    Nazareth warns security forces from the machinations of those who stayed up on the break and the joy of victory
    Advocacy: historic victories Party will produce a united Iraq strong

    The school, that "exceeded the limits of the Lord and oppression and partisanship and sectarianism and condescension on each other was behind behind the scourge of terrorism spread in Iraq like wildfire , " pointing by saying : "We today after all of the purified blood that was shed and disasters that have caused the homeland to re - examine our actions and correct each of us track the satisfaction of the Lord and serve the people and the homeland. "

    The school saw the reference, according to the statement, that " the time is still early to reap the fruits of the great victory that God - Almighty for us but we have to avoid vanity and wonder and oppression and to think about the future of the country seriously."

    He pointed out that "those who Stroa epics of the tournament from our children of the martyrs Hmllona when they went to their Lord merciful responsibility to preserve the victory and the gains we have a duty attention to their fathers and mothers and their spouses and their offspring to be the symbol of the tournament and are role models for younger generations."

    He concluded by saying, " The values of this people were Nasrallah behind him, and God."

    The Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi , announced Sunday (July 9, 2017), to achieve the "great victory" in Mosul , "liberated", according to the Information Office , which issued a statement confirming that al - Abadi "arrived in the city of Mosul , the liberated Park fighters heroes and the Iraqi people to achieve victory."

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