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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Othman reveals a close visit of a large parliamentary delegation, headed by Nujaifi to Saudi Arabia


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Othman reveals a close visit of a large parliamentary delegation, headed by Nujaifi to Saudi Arabia  Empty Othman reveals a close visit of a large parliamentary delegation, headed by Nujaifi to Saudi Arabia

    Post by chouchou Sun 15 Sep 2013, 4:54 am

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    BAGHDAD / NINA / The independent MP, of the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman revealed " the existence of a close visit to a large parliamentary delegation, headed by Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi to Saudi Arabia to discuss bilateral relations and ways of enhancing them , demanding restoration of internal front before proceeding with the development of Iraq's external relations."

    Othman said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / "The visit of Nujaifi and the parliamentary delegation accompanying him to both Turkey and Iran , is to strengthen the bilateral relations and ways to develop them not to discuss the Syrian crisis because solving the Syrian crisis within the hand of the United States and its Western allies and Russia and its allies only , describing the Iraqi delegation 's visit to Iran and Turkey as ( positive ). "

    He explained, " The visit of the Iraqi delegation to Turkey might improve the relationship of the two countries, and may open all levels, after being cold over the past period , noting that" relations with Iran do not need efforts to be developed and strengthen , because it exists already . "

    Othman demanded to restore the inner house, before proceeding to the development of Iraq's relations with Arab countries, regional and global, and give importance to this matter, adding, "If the internal house is not restored by solving internal problems, there will not be a unified position towards the attitudes of Foreign Affairs.

    It is mentioned that a parliamentary delegation, headed by al-Nujaifi visited Turkey a few days ago and discussed with the Turkish President and Prime Minister and a number of officials, a number of issues of common interest. Nujaifi and a parliamentary delegation accompanying him began yesterday a visit to Iran to discuss bilateral relations. "/ End

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