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    UAE banks seize the last opportunity for low-cost financing

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    UAE banks seize the last opportunity for low-cost financing Empty UAE banks seize the last opportunity for low-cost financing

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Mar 2018, 4:08 am

    UAE banks seize the last opportunity for low-cost financing

    UAE banks seize the last opportunity for low-cost financing 6709

    UAE banks are planning to raise their capital this year, apparently looking to take advantage of the latest low-cost financing periods with expectations for a gradual interest rate hike of up to an additional 1 percent over the year.
    The banks are seeking to strengthen their capital position further, pointing out that the banks have two options to strengthen the capital either to retain part of the profits or by asking shareholders to subscribe to the capital increase, Each bank chooses the most appropriate method.
    He added that banks, which were recording rapid growth rates, had previously adopted other solutions to strengthen capital and raise the level of the second tier of capital through borrowing from the market.
    Three local banks recently announced plans to raise capital this year, with an estimated total of AED 4 billion. The General Assembly of Dubai Islamic Bank has approved a proposal to increase its capital by 33.33% and 1.5 billion shares. One dirham per share.
    For its part, Emirates NBD announced that the General Assembly will discuss the proposal to increase the bank's capital to AED 7.35 billion from AED 5.55 billion by AED 1.79 billion through the issue of new shares.
    Al Arabi Bank also announced that the bank's capital increase, which ended on March 7, was successful in raising the bank's capital by AED 687.5 million to its paid up capital of AED 1.37 billion.

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 10:54 am