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    British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277417
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria Empty British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Mar 2018, 1:58 am

    [size=30]British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria[/size]
    23/03/2018 04:06 | Number of readings:
    font size:  British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria Font_decrease  British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria Font_enlarge
     British site reveals military sales of English to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria Thumbnail.php?file=Capture_934725489
    Direction Press / Special 
    Britain has sold secret weapons to terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria as well as governments of the Persian Gulf countries, a British official said Friday. 
    "The British arms have reached the terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria through Ankara and Abu Dhabi," the Middle EastAme website said in a report. 
    He added that the British weapons caused great damage in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, pointing to Britain and sought to export arms to the Middle East to compensate for its losses after leaving the European Union. 
    He said the British government was directly contributing to the killing of civilians in Yemen by supporting the biggest buyer of Saudi and UAE weapons, pointing out that Turkey and Egypt had used British weapons to suppress citizens and violate human rights. 

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