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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kurdistan announces the resumption of oil exports via the Sumo at the beginning of next April


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Kurdistan announces the resumption of oil exports via the Sumo at the beginning of next April Empty Kurdistan announces the resumption of oil exports via the Sumo at the beginning of next April

    Post by chouchou Fri 21 Mar 2014, 10:32 am

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    Kurdistan region announced the resumption of the export of crude oil, the amount of [100] thousand barrels per day through a network of pipelines National Sumo "goodwill gesture" to resolve outstanding problems with the federal government in the capital, Baghdad.

    It is noteworthy that a severe crisis erupted between Baghdad and Erbil on the back to stop the Kurdistan region in April 2012 to pump oil until further notice because of disagreements with Baghdad on the financial dues to oil companies operating in it.

    The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Barzani that "the talks with Baghdad over oil export file and the general budget and continuing these discussions have not resulted so far from any agreement to remember

    Barzani added, "It's a goodwill gesture by the territorial Government has proposed granting the negotiations another chance of positive actions for the export of oil and input them to export oil would be increased by 100,000 hundred thousand barrels per day, starting from the first month of next April 2014 and will continue until they reach the negotiations to a positive outcome."

    The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, said that "the Kurdistan Regional Government did not put any preconditions for this initiative, the government will seek the region in the coming weeks to discuss the full settlement mechanism on the export of petroleum products to the Kurdistan region, management and control of the oil sales revenue."

    Barzani pointed out that "the provincial government will retain in all circumstances all its rights under the permanent Iraqi constitution."

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    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Kurdistan announces the resumption of oil exports via the Sumo at the beginning of next April Empty KRG Offers 100,000 bpd Through SOMO

    Post by chouchou Fri 21 Mar 2014, 10:43 am

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    Kurdish Regional Government PM Nechirvan Barzani (pictured) has offered to send 100,000 bpd of oil from the Kurdish region through the State Oil Marketing Company, Reuters reports.

    The move is designed to partially appease Baghdad in the on going and tortuous dispute over oil revenues and exports to Turkey. Currently over 1 million barrels of oil are in storage at the Turkish port of Ceyhan, exported via the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline which became operational in January.

    Many analysts remain skeptical of a breakthrough any time soon, especially in the run up to (and aftermath of) April’s general elections. Kurdish  and Iraqi officials have also  acknowledged the dispute has been very difficult to resolve.

    A statement from Barzani explained the rationale behind the decision:

    “The negotiations with Baghdad on oil export and budgetary matters are ongoing. These negotiations have not yet resulted in any acceptable agreements. As a goodwill gesture the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has offered to make a contribution to Iraqi oil pipeline exports to give the negotiations the maximum chance of success”.

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      Current date/time is Fri 13 Sep 2024, 10:44 am