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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kuwait expresses its satisfaction with the practical measures maintenance of border pillars with Ira

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    Kuwait expresses its satisfaction with the practical measures maintenance of border pillars with Ira Empty Kuwait expresses its satisfaction with the practical measures maintenance of border pillars with Ira

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Feb 2013, 9:07 am

    Kuwait expresses its satisfaction with the practical measures maintenance of border pillars with Iraq

    Wednesday, February 27, 2013 13:55

    The agent said the Interior Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for Border Security Major General Mohammad Yousuf during his inspection tour to the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border to pursue the completion of the maintenance of border signs which are under the supervision of a team of the United Nations, in a press statement, said, "These achievements are made ​​in an atmosphere of fraternal cooperation between the two sides Kuwaiti The Iraqi, praising the efforts of the Iraqi side in this regard and expressed his happiness what he saw of the achievements that are going to the maintenance of border markers and follow-up on a regular basis. "
    He pointed out that "The team has removed some excesses border in some locations on the border of Kuwait and Iraq, have also been completed tube border sites excesses and link it with the tube border pre-existing, and under the supervision of a team of UN and the presence of security leaders of the two countries."
    Iraq being a preliminary survey of the border with Kuwait in preparation for demarcation between the two countries.
    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced on 2 January last technical team selection Iraq to re-demarcation of the border with Kuwait.
    This is expected to have a recent visit of a delegation of Kuwait headed by Prime Minister to Baghdad to discuss a number of outstanding issues and ways to solve them once and for all, including re-demarcation of the border between the two countries as a prelude to remove Iraq from Chapter international sanctions imposed on it under Chapter VII of the UN Security Council.
    The demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait from the outstanding issues between the two countries since the end of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and a decision by the Security Council determines these limits are under Iraqis reject has held several meetings on border demarcation, including those made ​​during the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Kuwait last March 2012 and then visit, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah to Iraq at the end of last April to participate in the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee between the two countries, which discussed the issue of the border within a number of files without reaching a conclusion.
    He made ​​the Kuwaiti minister at the conclusion of the visit, commented that "marks the border between Kuwait and Iraq installed and only need to maintain and remove some overlap winning now, noting that there are a pledge from the Iraqi government to finish them before the month of October next, while a conversion [600] A. U.S. $ to the United Nations for this purpose.
    And experiencing the relationship between Iraq and Kuwait made ​​significant progress in several files and seek to resolve differences and to reflect that end file Iraqi Airways arrival of the first aircraft of the company to Kuwait on Wednesday to announce that the resumption of flights between the two countries after a hiatus of more than [22] years after the invasion of the former regime of Kuwait in 1990. Ended.|en&
    Understood Investor
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    Kuwait expresses its satisfaction with the practical measures maintenance of border pillars with Ira Empty Re: Kuwait expresses its satisfaction with the practical measures maintenance of border pillars with Ira

    Post by onecinful1 Wed 27 Feb 2013, 9:37 pm

    sometimes articles make you think

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