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    Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session  Empty Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session

    Post by day dreamer Sat 13 Sep 2014, 12:03 am

    [ltr][rtl]2014/09/12 21:29[/rtl] 12/09/2014 21:29[/ltr]
    [ltr]Law: Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session

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    [ltr]BAGHDAD / obelisk: guessed deputy state law, Abdul Ilah Naieli, today, Friday, that offers Abadi names of candidates for the security ministries in the parliament session next Tuesday.
     Naieli said in an exclusive interview for "obelisk," Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi determined to choose candidates for the ministries of interior, defense and submission to the House of Representatives during the session next Tuesday. "
     He added that "al-Abadi wants to fulfilling a pledge he made during a session of the House of Representatives allocated to give confidence to his government, last Monday, along with his determination to complete his booth ministerial."
    He continued that Naieli "Abadi will choose positions for two personalities Taatsvan experience and competence, integrity and independence."
     The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi last Monday in a session giving confidence to his government, which announced the names of candidates for ministerial positions with the exception of the Ministries of Interior and Defense, he will present candidates for the two ministries Alamnatin during a session of the next Parliament.

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    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session  Empty Vote on the interior and defense in Tuesday's session by assurances of the Dawa Party and the Union

    Post by day dreamer Sat 13 Sep 2014, 12:28 am

    Vote on the interior and defense in Tuesday's session by assurances of the Dawa Party and the Union of Forces

    [rtl]2014/09/12 22:34[/rtl]

    Range / Baghdad
    Confirmed a coalition of state law, that the names of the candidates of the ministries of defense and interior, are ready and will be presented to the House of Representatives in session next Tuesday, and among the Federation of Iraqi forces that the problem back to the lack of resolution of the National Alliance candidate to take over the inner bag, between the Sunni blocs presented two candidates will be selected one for the Department of Defense.
     The MP said the coalition of state law on the Keywords in an interview (range), "The negotiations between the political blocs on resolving the file and Zarate interior and defense continuing on a daily basis," pointing out that "the Prime Minister has multiple options in the Ministries of Defense and Interior to Hsmanma within the period Marked ".
    He added that the relationship "Abadi abide week deadline pledged by the parliament, presenting candidates for the defense, interior and vote on them," likely to "up the names of candidates for parliament at its next meeting on Tuesday."
    The Alak, a leader of the Dawa Party, member of the "options available to the Abadi under study and will be decided in time," denying "the existence of an American intervention to impose candidates on the prime minister of the interior or defense on the grounds that it is an internal affair."
     He pointed out that the Abadi "other ministries unresolved such as immigration, immigrants and water resources, subject to the debates and discussions."
     For his part, MP from the Union of Iraqi forces Salah al-Jubouri that "the Prime Minister is serious about providing the interior and defense ministers to parliament in session next Tuesday."
    Jubouri said in an interview (range), "The problem of delay in the resolution of the ministries of defense, interior and postponed to the period of a week is due to differences within the National Alliance of The Ministry of the Interior," noting that "this problem has not been resolved to now within the National Alliance."
    He pointed out that al-Jubouri, the "Union of Iraqi forces to resolve its candidates to the Ministry of Defence was submitted two names to the Prime Minister and two Jaber Khaled al-Obeidi, al-Jabri," noting that Abadi will choose one of them to take over the Ministry of Defense. "
    And between al-Jubouri that "the prime minister in the parliament session Monday, which were voted on which ministerial cab and agreed to Jaber al-Jabri," but he also said that "differences within the National Alliance is the subject of the security ministries postponed to this week."
    He Jubouri that "differences within the coalition about the interior ministry lies in the objection of some political parties (unnamed) to take over the responsibility of this ministry by Hadi al-Amiri, as well as reservations American on the grounds that the Ministries of Defense and Interior to be filled by independent figures."
    He predicted Jubouri "to resolve the file security ministries by the Prime Minister on Sunday or Monday and then submitted to a vote on Tuesday," stressing that "the Ministry of Displacement and Migration and water resources will be resolved."
    He Jubouri that "all the political blocs realized the importance of managing the security ministries on my own and not the agency ten years ago due to security conditions," noting that "the appointment of ministers will have a positive effect on the security situation in Iraq to fight terrorism."
     In turn, the MP said the state law that Huda Carpets "ministries (Defense, Interior, Water Resources, Displacement and Migration, and women), will be ready to vote at a meeting next Tuesday."
    She added in an interview with Sajjad (term), "The Prime Minister promised Parliament to submit the names of the remaining ministries in a week for a vote in the event of disagreement between the political blocs on specific personalities."
    The coalition of the citizen, of the Islamic Supreme Council headed by Ammar al-Hakim, called on Friday, the mass of Badr and the Alliance of national forces to provide qualified candidates for the positions of security, likely to complete the line-up next week, while stressing the Union forces refused to nominate Hadi al-Ameri of the Interior Ministry in line with the Constitution, which " prevents the formation of militias, "likely to accept pay candidate Khaled al-Obeidi, the Ministry of Defence, despite the presence of other candidates for the position.
     The Iraqi Council of Representatives, he was awarded Monday night, (the eighth of September 2014 Current), the confidence of the Government of Haider al-Abadi, and his Ministerial, which was accompanied by a political agreement, in the session "hot" lasted about two hours, where the 24 ministers section, while the remaining Ministries of Interior The defense and the other bags, managed by proxy, after pledging Abadi deducted during the week.

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    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session  Empty Re: Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session

    Post by day dreamer Sat 13 Sep 2014, 12:29 am

    interesting so there were 6 positions not filled wink

     In turn, the MP said the state law that Huda Carpets "ministries (Defense, Interior, Water Resources, Displacement and Migration, and women), will be ready to vote at a meeting next Tuesday."  

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    Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session  Empty Re: Abadi will present its candidates for the ministries of interior and defense in Tuesday's session

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