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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The volume of trade exchange between Iran and the Kurdistan Region exceeded one billion dollars thro

    Admin Assist
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    The volume of trade exchange between Iran and the Kurdistan Region exceeded one billion dollars thro Empty The volume of trade exchange between Iran and the Kurdistan Region exceeded one billion dollars thro

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Aug 2023, 5:04 am

    The volume of trade exchange between Iran and the Kurdistan Region exceeded one billion dollars through the "Haji Omran" crossing.

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    2023-08-20 03:14

    Shafaq News/ The head of the local government in the Iranian province of "Arumia", Muhammad Sadiq Motamedian announced, on Sunday, that the volume of trade exchange through the "Haji Omran" land border crossing in Kurdistan Region, which is adjacent to the "Tamrgin" port, has exceeded more than one billion dollars during the year. the past.
    Motamedian said in a joint press conference held with the Governor of Erbil, Omid Khoshnaw, that the "Haji Omran" crossing is suitable for the movement of Iranian pilgrims, and during the past year, through this international border crossing, the volume of trade exchange between Iran and the Kurdistan Region amounted to more than one billion US dollars.

    And regarding the opening of a new border crossing with the Kurdistan Region, Muhammad Sadeq Motamedian said that it was agreed to open the "Sidkan" border crossing, and it will soon be inaugurated.
    He continued by saying: We have an understanding with the Kurdistan Region about the visitors of the holy shrines, and they extend a helping hand to those visitors, and provide them with their needs and places of residence.
    For his part, Omid Khoshnaw said during the conference that a meeting was held today in the Ministry of Interior under the supervision of the Minister of Interior of the Kurdistan Regional Government, attended by the Iranian Deputy Minister of Interior, the Governor of Urmia, and a delegation from both sides.
    He explained that one of the topics discussed during the meeting was the preparations for this year's movement of visitors to the Iraqi holy shrines at the Haji Omran-Tamrjin crossing, which was accomplished by Iran and the Kurdistan Region.
    The governor pointed out that, by drawing on the experience of last year, which was the first year for the movement of visitors through this crossing, I made it very easy for most visitors to the holy shrines in Iraq.
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