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    This evening... a meeting of representatives of political forces to determine the date of the sessio

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    This evening... a meeting of representatives of political forces to determine the date of the sessio Empty This evening... a meeting of representatives of political forces to determine the date of the sessio

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Dec 2023, 4:47 am

    This evening... a meeting of representatives of political forces to determine the date of the session to select the Speaker of Parliament
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
     Today, Monday (December 11, 2023), Secretary General of Bayraq Al-Khair, Muhammad Al-Khalidi, revealed that a meeting of representatives of political forces will be held this evening, to set the date for the session to select a new speaker of the House of Representatives.
    Al-Khalidi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "Representatives of 9 political forces, including the Sunni forces and the framework, will hold an important meeting this evening in Baghdad in order to set the date for the session to choose Al-Halbousi's replacement for the presidency of the House of Representatives."
    He added, "The Sunni forces support the option of deciding through a session held tomorrow, Tuesday or Wednesday, but compatibility with the coordination framework is very important, pointing out that until this moment the list of candidates remains as it was before, without any reduction in names."
    Al-Khalidi pointed out that "if there is no agreement to set a session during the current week, it will be postponed until after the New Year holidays, and this is something that most Sunni forces that are trying to speed up the decision of the position do not want."
    Earlier today, Monday (December 11, 2023), the representative of the coordination framework, Karim Aliwi, ruled out holding a session to elect the new Speaker of Parliament, while it was likely that the new Speaker of the House of Representatives would be chosen after the provincial council elections.
    Aliwi told "Baghdad Today" that "there is a difficulty in holding a session to elect the new speaker of the House of Representatives during these days due to the representatives' preoccupation with the legislative recess and the majority of the representatives' preoccupation with the provincial council elections. Most of the representatives have candidates for the provincial councils within different blocs."
    He added, "So far we have not been informed of any official session by the Presidency of the House of Representatives, and we believe that the election of the new president will take place after the provincial council elections."
    Reports revealed the possibility of holding a session of the House of Representatives next Wednesday to choose a new Speaker of Parliament, but some representatives ruled out holding any session or choosing a Speaker of Parliament before the provincial council elections end, especially since Parliament is in a legislative recess. 

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