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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity seizes 19 forged retirement transactions, according to which 400 million dinars were disbu

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Integrity seizes 19 forged retirement transactions, according to which 400 million dinars were disbu Empty Integrity seizes 19 forged retirement transactions, according to which 400 million dinars were disbu

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jan 2024, 5:09 am

    Integrity seizes 19 forged retirement transactions, according to which 400 million dinars were disbursed in Anbar

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Federal Integrity Commission announced, on Sunday, the seizure of (19) fraudulent pension transactions, according to which (400) million dinars were disbursed, and the arrest of an impersonator of an investigator who was blackmailing some departments in Anbar Governorate.
    According to a statement seen by Al-Iqtisad News, the Authority’s Government Media and Communications Office reported, “A team from the Authority’s investigation office in Anbar was able to seize (19) pension transactions in the Terrorism Victims Section of the National Retirement Authority - Governorate Branch, suspected of forgery in personal documents.” Accordingly, sums of money were disbursed as pensions amounting to more than (400) million Iraqi dinars,” pointing out that the team, after conducting investigations and audits and moving to the National Card Department in Anbar, found that the civil status identities of the owners of these transactions were incorrect and that they were fictitious persons.
    He added, "The team of the Commission's Investigation Office in Anbar investigated the validity of information about a person exploiting the names of investigators from the Commission's Investigation Office in the governorate for the purpose of blackmailing some employees of the Anbar Retirement Department, noting that the information the team received included the accused warning the retirement employees in the governorate." Of the existence of cases and information registered against them and his bargaining with them, claiming the ability to close them in exchange for sums of money,” indicating that the team, after confirming the veracity of the information and immediately after obtaining the judicial order, took the initiative to set up an elaborate ambush and implement the arrest warrant issued against him.
    He explained, "Two original arrest reports were prepared for the two operations, and they were presented, along with the defendants and the accused in the second operation, to the competent investigating judge, who decided to detain him pending investigation."
    According to the statement, the Integrity Commission called on “citizens and official institutions to be careful in dealing with those who claim to work there and to confirm their official identity, stressing at the same time that it will pursue anyone who dares to impersonate its employees in order to advance their personal goals and bring them to justice.”

    Views 59
    Added 01/07/2024 - 6:22 PM
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