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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Saudi Arabia is expecting the arrival of more than 50 Saudi detainees from Iraq to Saudi Arabia duri

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Saudi Arabia is expecting the arrival of more than 50 Saudi detainees from Iraq to Saudi Arabia duri Empty Saudi Arabia is expecting the arrival of more than 50 Saudi detainees from Iraq to Saudi Arabia duri

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 10 Mar 2013, 1:18 pm

    Saudi Arabia is expecting the arrival of more than 50 Saudi detainees from Iraq to Saudi Arabia during the 3 weeks

    Sunday, 10 March 2013 16: 32

    Euphrates news} Saudi lawyer revealed Iraq, Abdel Rahman Hamad,
    received a letter from the Iraqi Embassy in Riyadh referred to the
    adoption of the Convention on the exchange of prisoners, expecting the
    arrival of more than 50 Saudi detainees to the Kingdom within two or
    three weeks. "

    Hamad said in a press statement that "send an
    inquiry to the Iraqi Embassy about the developments of the situation,
    especially after constant talk about the establishment of the Joint
    Commission, came the reply, saying he will begin the implementation of
    the Convention on the exchange of prisoners between the two countries on
    3 stages.

    "There are certain operational steps adopted to
    transfer prisoners from the two countries, especially after the arrival
    of a high-level Iraqi delegation to Riyadh recently spent three days
    during which he held several working meetings with specialists from the
    Interior Ministry," he said, adding that "the two parties agreed on the
    mechanism to implement the transfer of convicts to negative freedom
    according to the 1983 Riyadh Convention and also approved a timetable
    for implementation.

    Hamad said that the "first phase include
    prisoners with acquired peremptory class is highlighted sentences and
    ratifying, the second phase is for convicted prisoners with acquired
    peremptory class, and the third phase of prisoners in custody who has
    not made the judicial sentences.

    "This does not mean to stop
    continuing to ask Iraqi officials to pardon all the detainees either
    sentenced or not, as it promised the Iraqi Government accused civil
    cases", pointing out that "two-thirds of the detainees whose cases are

    Hamad asked the Interior Ministry to DTA special
    treatment if transfer of detainees released to Saudi Arabia, and also
    designated areas, away from other prisoners.

    He noted that "of
    the detainees sentenced to death in Iraq is still pending, and 6
    detainees" Saudi Committee will go to Iraq to examine the file. "

    agreement signed between the two countries provides for the retention
    of the State conviction alone in legal and judicial jurisdiction in
    respect of any type of action as a reconsideration of the judgment, that
    each Contracting Party shall notify the other party promptly of the
    jurisprudence on the right of citizens of the territory of that party,
    extended the sanctions ended.

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      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 6:18 pm