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    Imminent agreement between Washington and Ankara on fighting "Daash"


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    Imminent agreement between Washington and Ankara on fighting "Daash"  Empty Imminent agreement between Washington and Ankara on fighting "Daash"

    Post by wciappetta Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:56 am

    Imminent agreement between Washington and Ankara on fighting "Daash" 

    Ankara / Reuters Sky News 

    The Wall Street Journal said on Monday that the United States and Turkey Ochkta on the conclusion of an agreement allowing US forces and allied use Turkish air bases as part of a campaign led by Washington on the organization of the Islamic state in Syria.

    The newspaper said, citing US officials and the Turks that the agreement may include the establishment of a safe zone along the strip from the Syrian border to protect refugees and certain opposition forces will also be "prohibited" on belonging to the government of President Bashar al-Assad aircraft.

    It would allow the United States and its allies to use Turkish air bases that allows Allied foothold new feet can be released from continuous blows to the fighters of the Islamic state.

    The newspaper report said that Turkey has agreed to allow two thousand opposition fighters training within its borders, and it had sent a private Turkish troops to Iraq to train Kurdish Peshmerga fighters.

    The agreement represents a potential narrowing of the differences between the two sides in the United States and allied continue with launching strikes on the Islamic state lacuna fighters in Syria and Iraq.

    The report said that a far cry from the idea of ​​a broader formal agreement includes the establishment of a "ban fly zone agreement," the Turkish officials had asked him to cover a wider area of ​​northern Syria.

    The report added that the establishment of a safe zone on the Turkish-Syrian border will contribute to the protection of the opposition fighters who are receiving training in Syria as well as the protection of the opposition supply lines.

    The report said that according to the agreement, the coalition forces led by the United States "may send a veiled warning to the Assad regime to keep away from the area or risk retaliatory response."

    This report comes after a visit by Joe Biden, US Vice President to Turkey last week to narrow differences on the fight against Islamic militants who have declared the state of succession in the areas they had seized control of them in Syria and Iraq.

    Biden wrapped up meetings in Turkey held over two days, including a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit did not result in guarantees from Turkey on military cooperation.

    The newspaper said that officials think Turks in Ankara in the activation of the right of self-defense, which is guaranteed by the Charter of the United Nations to justify the use of its bases. And went on to say that it may allow other allies of NATO members to join the fight against the Islamic State fighters.

    The most violent clashes between students and security forces since the start of the protests in Hong Kong

    On the other hand «Foreign Policy» Journal of the American said that the common ideals that «Turkey has no friend but the Turkish», strongly consistent with the poll «Bio» Center latter research, which indicated that the Turks hate Israel by 86%, followed by Iran by 75% results . The United States and Russia are involved in third place, by 73%.

    She magazine, according to the survey: «Turks also showed negative feelings toward a group of international institutions, where 70% of Turks said they hate Treaty Organization (NATO), and 66% do not like the European Union», researchers at the Center noted, according to a statement to them, that « hard to find any country or organization, such as the Turkish people already, but Turkey itself, where they are, according to a poll last, in the spring of 2012, there are 78% of Turks have a positive outlook towards their country. »

    «Foreign Policy» felt that hate the Turks to Israel «Not surprisingly», given what has happened, in 2010, after Israeli special forces raided a «Mavi Marmara» Turkish ship, which resulted in the killing of 10 Turkish activists, and despite the fact that the International Criminal Court recently announced that it Israel will not be measured on the offensive on the Gaza-bound ship, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish people believe that the attack is unjustified and forms the basis for the war.

    She said the American magazine: «It is not difficult to imagine hating Turks to Iran and Russia, as both strongly support the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad, who is unpopular among Turks, because of the violence perpetrated on the people».

    As for the United States, the magazine found that the hatred of the Turks and Washington contrasts perfectly with the Alliance of Ankara, the United States, which has lasted for 60 years, she said, «Foreign Policy» that «the causes of anti-Turks, the United States is its support for Israel, and the most important reason, according to the magazine is the Kurdish issue , where Turks are believed to greatly that the United States supports the Iraqi Kurds, and support for the PKK, considered by Turks aims to divide Turkey. »

    They pointed out that the magazine «Turkey is a country polarized to a great extent, but if there was one thing that brings together the Turks, it is their love for conspiracy theories about the United States and bad intentions in the region».

    On the other hand commented Oahat globalization Canadian Center on the report of a photographer for a TV "Deutsche Welle" German for ways to supply and supply of state regulation through Turkey by saying that this strengthens suspicions for years that the member state in NATO, "NATO" can not make it easier to cross the fighters and finance to Daash without turning a blind eye on the part of NATO.

    The report includes testimony population Turkish / Syrian border areas around the crossing of trucks loaded with "western Turkey" to the border after tourism and trade was stopped by border towns population they do.

    And transmits a report, "Deutsche Welle" for a Kurdish satellite images of those who are described as Daash fighters crossing from Turkey to Syria and are believed to be targeted by fire fighters Syrian Kurds from the other side Vijron are killed.

    In short, the German report that the organization of the state is not only on the sale of oil and the ransom money for the release of abducted in funding support, but there is a direct supplies through Turkey.

    He says the Canadian research center that Turkey turn a blind eye for a long time for foreign fighters to cross its territory to join the Daash, as well as finance and logistics.
    The suspension goes to the Canadian Centre supplies through Turkey may carry weapons used by the organization of the state, is not unlikely that NATO knows Turkish effort.

    Previous analyzes have indicated that the major NATO countries exploited by terrorist groups such as Daash to enforce specific strategies from Libya to Iraq.
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    Imminent agreement between Washington and Ankara on fighting "Daash"  Empty Re: Imminent agreement between Washington and Ankara on fighting "Daash"

    Post by CITEX Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:45 pm

    On the other hand «Foreign Policy» Journal of the American said that the common ideals that «Turkey has no friend but the Turkish», strongly consistent with the poll «Bio» Center latter research, which indicated that the Turks hate Israel by 86%, followed by Iran by 75% results . The United States and Russia are involved in third place, by 73%.

    You have to love statements like this....

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 14, 2024 7:56 am