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    Abadi heading to confiscate senior military and security leaders funds involved corruption


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Abadi heading to confiscate senior military and security leaders funds involved corruption Empty Abadi heading to confiscate senior military and security leaders funds involved corruption

    Post by wciappetta Fri 05 Dec 2014, 6:29 am

    Abadi heading to confiscate senior military and security leaders funds involved corruption 

    04-12-2014 02:17 PM

    Political source revealed from within the Iraqi National Alliance, that the 'Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, having referred the ghost soldiers and commanders accused of file corruption in the military establishment, intends to issue a court order to confiscate the movable and immovable property for each of proving his involvement files of corruption in the ministries of interior and defense.'

    The source, who preferred anonymity, that "the leaders of the National Alliance associates of al-Abadi warned him of the urgency to take this decision out of fear of the security implications and its impact on the political process, especially the corrupt leaders that they have a serious links and links to militias."

    He stressed that 'Abadi told them he was awaiting the result of the investigation and would do his best to get a decision on any corruption was involved.'

    On his part, the security expert, Ahmad Saidi, that 'senior leaders involved corruption linked to militias and regional countries and is not easy to eliminate them and confiscating their money.'

    He Saidi, during his speech to the site of the new 'Arab', that 'the decision needs to be precautionary security measures, and guarantees progress of all national components of the Alliance for Ebadi they would be with him and bear the consequences of the decision, so that you can not militias that affect the security situation and confuse the political situation'.

    An Iraqi political source familiar revealed earlier, the prime minister Haider al-Abadi is to refer the ghost soldiers files to the judiciary, to hold accountable those responsible for corruption, and waste of state funds, throughout the eight years ago, stressing that the investigation has already begun with the ghost soldiers, and will include all officers who associated with them soldiers, and leaders responsible for them, and former Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi, may include the former commanding general of the Armed Forces Nuri al-Maliki, as primarily responsible for the corruption of the military establishment.

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