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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month


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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by wciappetta Sun 04 Jan 2015, 7:08 am

    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month 

    BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Parliamentary Finance Committee predicted, on Saturday, to be voted on the 2015 budget, the end of this month, indicating that the special grades owners to reduce the salaries will be only the law of re-distribution of wealth estimated at just based on the testimony and experience, according to a scientific standard prevents the existence of significant differences in wages.

    Said committee member, Majida al-Tamimi, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Committee will meet (on Sunday), to discuss the draft budget for 2015 Act, as a prelude to read it a second time in the House of Representatives meeting next Wednesday, and vote on them." 

    She said Tamimi, that " The Commission has a lot of comments on the draft budget, but they do not want to put through the media, "noting that" special grades owners to reduce the salaries will be only the enactment of laws. " 

    explained a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, that "the House of Representatives called for since the previous session to put him New salaries to employees of the Iraqi state, not just the three presidencies, "indicating that" it means redistribution of wealth by about just based on the testimony and experience, and according to a scientific standard prevents the existence of significant differences in wages. " 

    predicted [read opinion] Tamimi, that "recognizes the budget in 2015 the end of this January , the absence of significant disagreements over the project in the House of Representatives during the first reading. " 

    The Iraqi Council of Representatives held in (the 25th of December 2014 the past), its exceptional completed during the first reading of the draft financial budget law for 2015, headed by its President Saleem al-Jubouri, before be brought to the seventh of this January. 

    He announced the Iraqi Council of Representatives, in, (25th of December last), the signing of the Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, a draft financial budget law for 2015, and sent to the House of Representatives. 

    He announced the Information Office of the President Council of Ministers, in, (23 December 2014), for approval by the Council on the federal budget for 2015, of which 123 trillion dinars, indicating that the price speculative oil which amounted to about $ 60 a barrel. 

    The Parliamentary Finance Committee has revealed, in (14 December 2014), about the government's efforts to address the budget deficit because of falling global oil prices through a series of austerity measures that would provide at least $ 13 billion, the Commission predicted that the government resorted to dispose of 50 percent of the Rafidain bank reserves and good governance, as well as borrowing from the balance of the commercial bank and fund minors, as the Commission suggested that includes austerity "luxury expenses sovereign" which said it accounts for 10 percent of the country's budget.

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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by weslin3 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 7:14 am

    What? Now later in the month of January?  scratch
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by mochasmom Sun 04 Jan 2015, 7:54 am

    Still does it matter
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by Diamond Sun 04 Jan 2015, 8:02 am

    middle of November, end of nov, middle of dec, no end of dec,jan 7th, no wait!!!! duck
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by duck2000 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 9:20 am

    Diamond wrote:middle of November, end of nov, middle of dec, no end of dec,jan 7th, no wait!!!! duck

    why wait? ..maybe futher reading was needed>> or maybe you just jumped on the first headline>??

    He concluded by saying that "Wednesday's session will not come with something new for only the second reading of the budget in case it is not postponed or not the end of the technical committees of the arrangements." Admiral ended 

    On the other hand, the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh, said: 'there is a consensus between the political blocs on the need to accelerate the adoption of the budget, and expect approval as soon as possible, and this is what the three presidents confirmed because we do not want to repeat the previous session errors'
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by duck2000 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 9:23 am

    While heading the House of Representatives to end the second reading of the budget bill next Wednesday, emerged as the demands and disagreements new may hinder the approval. 
    The House of Representatives has conducted during its special session at the (12/25/2014), the first reading of the draft budget law and referred to the Finance Committee before to raise its to next Wednesday, and MP for the Liberal bloc Hossein Sharifi, government to implement the decisions of austerity in Kurdistan, as applied in the central and southern governorates, and stressed 'the importance of the transfer of tax and border crossings funds in the region to the central treasury.' 
    said Sharifi said in a statement, I came across it (the news), that: 'the decisions of the austerity applied in the central and southern governorates should be applied in Kurdistan, and the Government of the Territory transfer of tax funds to the central treasury being take 17 per cent of the general budget. " 
    In addition, the Union of national forces called for the implementation items 'political agreement' which formed the basis of the government and the allocation of funds in the budget for the Army National Guard. 
    The MP said Mohammed al-Karbouli in a statement received (news) copy of it: The parliamentary bloc collected the signatures of the House of Representatives for the inclusion Guard budget in the budget. 
    He added that 'the Union of Forces with the adoption of budget law, but at the same time should be performed terms of the political agreement which was the reason for the formation of the government, so I do not need to be approved, at the forefront of the adoption of the National Guard Law '. 
    On the other hand, the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh, said: 'there is a consensus between the political blocs on the need to accelerate the adoption of the budget, and expect approval as soon as possible, and this is what the three presidents confirmed because we do not want to repeat the previous session errors'. 
    He pointed out that 'the Council of Ministers representing the majority of the Iraqi people, and as he sent In this way the budget to the House of Representatives, it reflects a kind of convergence and harmonization of these represented in the House of Representatives blocs, what contributes to the speed of approval '.
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by duck2000 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 9:24 am

    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - January 4: In the House of Representatives Finance Committee predicted re-federal budget for the current year to the Council of Ministers in order to be reduced from the allotted currently amounting to one hundred and twenty-six trillion Iraqi dinars figure.
    A member of the committee MP, Jabbar Sharif, told / bumpy s Press / "Initial review of the federal budget for 2015 has proved the existence of redundant allocations for some government institutions that will pay the House of Representatives to the government's claim downwards," adding that "objection to the art budget and not political Under the agreement to be passed soon at the latest the end of the current month period. "
     He said Sharif "The Finance Committee will begin Ajtmatha during the next two days before the seventh of this month session to study the budget a thorough study of the agreement with the Economic Commission, hosting and Minister of Finance of the Committee to add any amendments and comments on them in order to be read a second reading and then discussions and observations session with the possibility of lowered dedicated her own. "
     He concluded by saying that "Wednesday's session will not come with something new for only the second reading of the budget in case it is not postponed or not the end of the technical committees of the arrangements." Admiral ended 
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by GWT54 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 9:26 am

    And this is the reason I refuse to get the least bit excited about anything.
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by duck2000 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 9:27 am

    a budget shouldnt have gotten you excited anyway! lol
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    Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month  Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: the vote on the 2015 budget later this month

    Post by GWT54 Sun 04 Jan 2015, 9:31 am

    It was just a statement Duck. A lot of people are putting a lot of stock in the thought that this budget is the answer to the RV. Patiently waiting

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