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    The Guardian: Baghdadi is no longer able to lead Daash


    Posts : 737
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    The Guardian: Baghdadi is no longer able to lead Daash Empty The Guardian: Baghdadi is no longer able to lead Daash

    Post by dizzydee Tue 21 Apr 2015, 12:22 pm

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    The Guardian: Baghdadi is no longer able to lead Daash of serious injury to raid Airline Alliance

    Well-known British newspaper, confirmed on Tuesday that the leader of the governing (Daash) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had suffered a serious injury in the past month, as a result of the bombing of Flight International Coalition in an area near the Syrian border, west of the province of Nineveh, while showed that led to the decline in its role and the emergence of the Shura and military organization, promised that the coalition raids were "very impressive" target "terrorist leaders" in recent months.

    The Guardian newspaper The Guardian UK, in a report today, I followed the (long-Presse), "The leader of al Daash, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, suffered a serious injury as a result of an air raid the international coalition, in western Iraq," noting that "a source in Iraq has links terrorist group, al-Baghdadi told her that suffers from serious injuries sustained during an air raid Coalition planes in March.

    The source said, "The unity of wounds Baghdadi, were initially life-threatening, but it is gradually improving but it led to his inability to follow the organization every day," noting that "the injury-Baghdadi called for an emergency meetings between the leaders of the organization who thought at first that he would die and put plans to name his replacement.

    The Guardian quoted, officials, the first Western diplomat, and the other Iraqi adviser, "reaffirmed in private, that the air strike took place in the 18th of March 2015 in the Baaj district, (125 km west of Mosul), close to the Syrian border."

    He said the Western diplomat, according to the newspaper, that "the air strike targeted a convoy of three vehicles, occurred on that date, between the village of Umm Rose and Goran, targeted organizing local Daash leaders, and it was believed that three of them died of her puppies," following up "The officials did not know at the time that al-Baghdadi was in one of those cars.

    For his part, the Iraqi official, Hisham al-Hashemi, who works for a security adviser about the organization (Daash), the Guardian said, "The al-Baghdadi injured in Baaj area near the village of Umm Rose, the 18th of March 2015, with another group of men who were with him."

    She Guardian, believes that "al-Baghdadi was spending most of his time in Baaj, a stronghold for the organization Daash."

    The newspaper quoted, about the beginning of a special source of some of the al-Baghdadi movements, saying that "the choice of al-Baghdadi Baaj area was being knows that Americans do not have great coverage there," pointing out that "since 2003, has rarely been the US military presence there, because Baaj form part Iraq is not positioned within the scheme, making it remains out of control since the time of Saddam Hussein's regime, which was considered a safe haven for jihadists since 2004 until now.

    According to the Guardian, that "al-Baghdadi had been at least an earlier date and one with death when he bombed US aircraft convoy of two cars on the outskirts of the city of Mosul, in the 14th of December 2014 the last, where his close aide, Auf Abdul Rahman Afri killed when a rocket hit fired from one of the cars warplane, either al-Baghdadi was believed to be present in the second car, which was not hit.

    The newspaper, The raids flight international coalition has been very influential in targeting the leaders of the organization Daash in recent months, where each of the Vice-Baghdadi, known as Abu Muslim, Turkmen, and the commander of its military operations in Iraq, was killed during an air raid in early December 2014 the past.

    He revealed the source close to the organization, as the Guardian reported, that "the role of the Shura Council and the military to organize Daash, a distinguished road to take decisions since the injury-Baghdadi."

    It is noteworthy that the organization (Daash) seized the city of Mosul, Nineveh province, (405 km north of Baghdad), in (the tenth of June 2014 the past), before extending his "terrorist" and other large areas of the country.
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