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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Economy: great privileges will be granted to investors

    Interacting Investor
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    Parliamentary Economy: great privileges will be granted to investors Empty Parliamentary Economy: great privileges will be granted to investors

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:31 pm

    Parliamentary Economy: great privileges will be granted to investors

    BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) –
    Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Jawad al-Bolani confirmed that a large privileges will be granted to investors.
    He said al-Bolani’s (IMN) “The investment law is the beginning of the stage is handled many obstacles they encounter generally Marqlat investment,” noting that “the public sector’s participation in the implementation phase of the projects and their participation is a key supporter in the investment process.”
    “There will be given loans at rates of achievement in the project,” stressing “the focus on the issue of international arbitration and its importance to bring capital to Iraq from abroad and to reassure foreign investors to invest in Iraq.”
    Bolani stressed the “focus on all aspects of investment such as agricultural, industrial, residential and service,” referring to the “big privileges will be granted to investors, including exemption from taxes.”
    The Commission on Economy and Investment in the House of Representatives, keen to offer amendments that accomplished in investment to the presidency of the Council Act.

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    Understood Investor
    Understood Investor

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    Parliamentary Economy: great privileges will be granted to investors Empty Parliamentary Economy: new investment law will be granted privileges good for investors

    Post by Sarisus Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:53 pm

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    Tomorrow Press / Baghdad revealed to the economic and investment commission in Parliament, Sunday, that the new investment law found in the House of Representatives would be granted privileges good for investors, expected approval in the coming weeks.

    Said committee member Nora Albjara for "tomorrow Bs", "The investment law is still in the House of Representatives in order to discuss and resolve some of the sticking points and all this in order to give legal form to the investor and investment in Iraq, and to make it equivalent to what is going through the country today from the economic and financial problems ".

    She added that "Iraq today is in dire need of investment for the country's reconstruction and strengthening, so the new investment law is the beginning of the stage is handled many obstacles and Marqlat was facing generally investment and investor in particular."

    Albjara added that "the new law will add privileges to the investor grants loans received on the proportions of achievement in the project which means that the phases of the project will be accessible and parallel with the amount of the project, in return, there will be control and emphasis on the need to bring capital to Iraq from abroad to offset projects and strengthened with the presence of guarantees her" .

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