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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Media Spokesperson for the popular crowd Ahmed Asadi money allocated for the popular crowd inadequat

    Admin Assist
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    Media Spokesperson for the popular crowd Ahmed Asadi money allocated for the popular crowd inadequat Empty Media Spokesperson for the popular crowd Ahmed Asadi money allocated for the popular crowd inadequat

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Feb 2016, 8:53 am

    Media Spokesperson for the popular crowd Ahmed Asadi money allocated for the popular crowd inadequate


    Media Spokesperson for the popular crowd Ahmed Asadi stressed that the allocations that have been shown in the budget of 2016 to rally popular Garkavih and the inability of almost 30%
    In an interview with al-Asadi he said the amounts allocated in the budget for each fighter is not sufficient. Indicating that the number of confirmed fighters in the budget of 2016 is 110,000 fighters while the number present on the ground is 142 000 fighter
    He said al-Asadi said a clear deficit in the Authority's budget and up to 30%, which is difficult to cover all the formations of the popular crowd, noting that there is a proposal to cut 30% from the crowd salaries, which are working hard with the federal government in order to plug in one of the roads that provide access fighters' salaries full.
    He said the media spokesman said there is a decision of the Council of Ministers to deduct 3% of the salaries of employees and retirees and the allocation of 60% of the Popular Mobilization Forces to fill the shortfall in the budget Authority popular crowd.
    It is worth mentioning that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi face of the Inspector General of the Popular Mobilization Forces to investigate the distribution of salaries to fighters crowd mechanism, while stressing the need for a mechanism to ensure a "fair" distribution of those salaries.
    Ebadi said the Office in a statement, "The Prime Minister met with the inspector general of the popular crowd," noting that al-Abadi 'face during the meeting to investigate and disclose the circumstances of the distribution of salaries for fighters in the popular crowd. "

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