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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Transportation: not a law infrastructure behind the delayed project electric trains

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Transportation: not a law infrastructure behind the delayed project electric trains Empty Transportation: not a law infrastructure behind the delayed project electric trains

    Post by Hkp1 Wed 02 Jan 2013, 11:38 am

    Transportation: not a law infrastructure behind the delayed project electric trains

    02/01/2013 07: 54

    Transport Ministry attributed the reasons for the delay in the
    implementation of a project linking the cities of Iraq with metros to
    not adopt the law of the House infrastructure, Municipal Department
    confirmed that infrastructure projects will be completed within a
    maximum of three years.

    He said the Ministry's media adviser
    Karim Al-Nuri "features & Centre for the Iraqi media network": the
    electric trains has not been implemented because the infrastructure law
    depends upon a lot of service projects, pointing out that the Ministry
    will implement the project pending approval of the House infrastructure

    And the Government presented a draft law infrastructure
    worth 37 billion US dollars for the rehabilitation of large service
    sectors including housing, schools and hospitals by solid global
    companies in a push, but the law had never seen the light of day in the
    House so far, and the political opposition blocks for reasons as much as

    For its part, the Ministry of municipalities and
    public works that the infrastructure projects will be completed within a
    maximum of three years, explaining that the Ministry projects a

    He said the Ministry's information Advisor Jassem
    Mohammed "features & Centre for the Iraqi media network": most of
    the infrastructure projects carried out by the Ministry are under way
    and retaining only small details.

    He rounded amounts from other
    projects for water and sewerage for the Ministry can accomplish
    projects, adding that the Ministry has about 4 or 5 projects water
    sanitation and sewerage in each province.

    Media Adviser confirmed
    that other projects could be established after completion of the first,
    indicating that the Ministry has paid special attention to almgsrat
    decoder choking caused by urban development and population growth.

    said the Ministry opened a water project Abu Ghraib last week 10,000 m3
    card cost 175 billion dinars, which feeds the Abu Ghraib and related
    accessories and parts of Baghdad, and that work was under way on the
    left coast water project in the connector with a capacity of 10,000 m 3
    as well as water project the capacity of Tall Afar 4,000 m3 ".

    Ministry is working in Nineveh province on 16 mgsra designs by foreign
    companies this year in addition to mgsr in Diyala province wemgsrin in
    Anbar and Salahuddin, said the designs would be the latest model and fit
    the history of each province.

    And the Ministry of municipalities and public works revealed that budget POPs from 2013 trillion amounted to 750 million dinars.

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