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    Iranian firms showing interest in investing in the field of electricity province of Diwaniyah

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277174
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Iranian firms showing interest in investing in the field of electricity province of Diwaniyah Empty Iranian firms showing interest in investing in the field of electricity province of Diwaniyah

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Feb 2016, 7:38 am

    [size=32]Iranian firms showing interest in investing in the field of electricity province of Diwaniyah[/size]

    16:01:01 2/14/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Diwaniyah,said the governor of Diwaniya, Sami al-Hasnawi said companies (insurance latte Iran) expressed willingness to invest in the electricity sector to maintain solve the energy problem. He said Hasnawi said electrical smart counters electronic Emphasis will be placed in the homes of the people of Diwaniya to rationalize electrical power and distribution just enough subscribers, noting that the Iranian company that will implement the project will carry out maintenance and the collection of amounts, as will pay 80% of the wages of maintenance workers. he added that the company provided a detailed explanation of the investment for the work accomplished in several provinces by explaining how to invest this sector, which confirmed that he will be by installing counters smart electronic to ensure a fair distribution among the participants in the province.[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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