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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Political day

    Admin Assist
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    Political day Empty Political day

    Post by Rocky Thu 05 May 2016, 6:57 am

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    Political day

    Amnesty's report confirms the kidnappings in Anbar

    Chief Representative Mohammed Al karboli solution block that Amnesty International report confirms fears of arrests and "abduction" by the sons of Anbar province at bzibez bridge, on the outskirts of Amiriyah Fallujah area. Al karboli said, that "discredit our pleas and neglecting our demands by Central Government and military leaders to reveal the fate of time according to the stats more than 1200 prisoners increased fears in systematic arrests, kidnapping without reason or legal justification." Al karboli demanded the Prime Minister to "take responsibility for the safety and release of inmates and the fate of the other detainees, and abductors disappeared persons and those responsible for this crime to justice." Amnesty International expressed "shock" for the conditions of detention of prisoners on charges of "terrorism", this came after the visit of a delegation from the Organization a detention centre in Amiriyah Fallujah.

    President of Parliament and the Ministers responsible for breaking into green

    Download hoshiar Abdollah parliamentary security and Defence Committee member Prime Minister Haider Abadi, Parliament Salim Jabouri "major responsibility" to break into the Parliament building demonstrators.
    Abdullah said "We strongly reject Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi planking and House speaker Selim Jabouri to sue and to prosecute demonstrators who broke into the House, stating that" no one denies that there are political affiliations have many demonstrators who broke into the Board, but in the end they are citizens of this country, and the major responsibility rests Abadi walgbori and not protesters. "" as far as I'm concerned personally attacked and protect personnel attacked by protesters, but we do not seek to prosecute anyone, can we sue Abadi walgbori and follow them and all parliamentary legal and constitutional ways. "

    Call to divide Baghdad militarily to prevent violations

    Invited Member of the Parliamentary Committee on security and Defense Security command, to divide Baghdad into circuit breaker to prevent military attacks and terrorist acts.
    He said Alexander tut that "zoning to circuit breaker withstand military firm military commander responsible for any breach of security or a terrorist bombing, security forces from policing areas more effectively. He continued, "TUT security imperatives call for the application of this principle to determine military tasks," he said, adding that "the parliamentary security and Defence Committee earlier confirmed the need to implement this proposal through addressing current and former Prime Ministers, in addition to broach the subject during its hosting of the military hierarchy.
    Berry said that "the successes and efforts by the security forces and the popular crowd calls for us support to help them in detecting explosives and maintain security."

    On the blocks refer to table dialogues

    The National Alliance called the c-Bucs, to return to the table of dialogue, to resolve all the country's political crisis.
    C-Bucs said that "the political crisis that gripped the country in this period need radical solutions by leaders of Iraq, to sit at the table of dialogue to resolve the country's crisis."
    "These crises directly affected to disable role of the House of representatives, which is a fundamental pillar of the political process in the country, stressing the need to resolve the political crisis through dialogue and re-House sessions to provide services to citizens."
    Angry protesters were attacked last Saturday after breaking into house building green zone quoted photo effects damage in some Council assets and courtroom, before withdrawing from the area on Sunday.

    The burglary after leaving Parliament Abadi

    Thankful for the change block mp demanded Wahid Haidar Abadi Prime Minister to resign on the background of breaking into the House of representatives, called for a "fair" investigation into the incident.
    AW said that "what happened in Iraqi RAID the House was against democracy," adding that "what happened was premeditated by certain political entity with interests in the political process and not far from her since 2003.
    Abdel Wahid stressed the need for "a fair investigation on what was an insult to the House of representatives and the prestige of the State, a sign that" everything that is happening today is against the political process and genuine partnership in the country ".
    She added that "Abadi to be wiser and to submit his resignation and leave with what they brought from Iraq's problems."

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