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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Diwaniyah management calls for commercial control to activate its role to reduce the "manipulation"

    Admin Assist
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    Diwaniyah management calls for commercial control to activate its role to reduce the "manipulation"  Empty Diwaniyah management calls for commercial control to activate its role to reduce the "manipulation"

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 Jun 2016, 3:36 am

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    Diwaniyah management calls for commercial control to activate its role to reduce the "manipulation" prices

     Diwaniya / long-Presse 

    Called Diwaniyah Management, Commercial and Financial Supervision Directorate of thegovernorate, to activate its role and thereduction of price manipulation, stressing its support for the regulatory agencies to control the business in local markets. 
    The governor of Diwaniyah, Sami al- Hasnawi, in an interview (long - Presse) that " the meeting was held yesterday in the office the province with the commercial and financial control director in Diwaniyah, discussed the importance of activating the supervisory role of the Directorate, and periodic inspection of the markets for control of the business in the province , "stressing that" the local government to support the work ofregulatory authorities to ensure transparency and integrity in the work. " 
    Hasnawi said that" the meeting stressed the need to issue new legislations to regulate the work ofdepartments and sectors associated with the Directorate to curb manipulation and sale of materials expired in the province markets , "calling for" activating the role of the private sector and supervision of the prices ofproducts and follow up and check the joints of the Ministry of Commerce concerned with storage, transportation and marketing, selling and processing activities, and securing vocabulary ration card for citizens in the province. " 
    the governor of Diwaniya announced (early June of this), the formation of a joint operations room working on maintaining security and not to speak with breakfast, as well as special monitoring of local markets and thestability of prices during Ramadan teams, stressing the commissioning special committees overseeing the guarantee processing power. 
    plagued province of Diwaniyah, the severe economic crisis due to government austerity and the lack ofsources of oil and tourism funding and the border, and the lack of job opportunities that contributed to rising poverty rates to 47% according to the latest Ministry of planning statistics. 
    the Council of the province of Diwaniyah, look at ( the ninth of June 2015) during its rotating with theDiwaniya police chief, the security situation and procedures for the month of Ramadan and control of markets and activate the economic supervision to ensure price stability and to ensure that the manipulation by some traders. 
    a number of traders Baghdad, revealed on Tuesday, for losing large sums of money because of rising US dollar rate against the dinar, as indicated that they closed down their shops in order to avoid falling into the new losses, demanded that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, to oust the head of the Central Bank and theagency on the Keywords, accused of a number of shops workers Iraqi officials in cooperation with the(Daash) in this matter.

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