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    Republican Try to Sabotage Trump Handing His Wife Bad Speech to Read


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Republican Try to Sabotage Trump Handing His Wife Bad Speech to Read Empty Republican Try to Sabotage Trump Handing His Wife Bad Speech to Read

    Post by Lobo Wed 20 Jul 2016, 2:53 pm

    Republican Try to Sabotage Trump Handing His Wife Bad Speech to Read Melania-Michelle
    Everyone knows these people just read whatever they are handed from the teleprompter. Trump himself has been more rouge when it comes to that. It seems that the Republicans took their shot and tried to make his wife look really bad by handing her a script that was obviously plagiarized from a speech Michelle Obama had made in 2008.
    Neither one spoke about anything personal. Someone writes these speeches for them to read. This was obviously a plot by the establishment to ensure Hillary wins to maintain the status-quo. One has to wonder how low these people will really go. I am sure Mitt Romey is enjoying himself. These career politicians, in all parties around the world, are desperate to shut the people down. They are losing their rich playground and everyone can feel it.

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 8:44 am